All an advance directive needs to be official is the signatures of two people who are not named in the document. You do not need an attorney or a notary.
It should be given to your physician for inclusion in your medical record. If you don't have an advance directive, come to our class and learn how to fill one out. You'll have the opportunity to ask questions while we walk you through the process of making healthcare decisions. Having an advance directive means confronting our own mortality, which is difficult, says Dr. Douglas Merrill. But putting one together may be one of the most important things you'll ever do.
Print A A A. It's important for everyone to prepare an advance directive. There are two kinds of advance directives:. Living wills are legal documents. They state your wishes regarding the care you want to receive if you are incapacitated. When you create a living will consider the importance you place on being self-sufficient and independent. You'll need to decide what medical interventions are acceptable and whether you want your life extended if there is no hope of recovery.
A medical power of attorney is also known as a health care proxy. This option allows you to name another person, such as your spouse or adult child, to make medical decisions for you if you are unable to do so. A medical power of attorney is not the same as a power of attorney that allows another person to handle your financial or legal affairs. Choosing the right person to act on your behalf regarding important medical decisions is vital. Even if you have other documents covering aspects of your care, not every situation can be anticipated.
The person you choose to represent you should meet the following criteria:. Advance directives are an important part of health care. In some states, advance health care planning includes a document called physician orders for life-sustaining treatment POLST. This form does not replace your other directives. Instead, it serves as doctor-ordered instructions — not unlike a prescription — to ensure that, in case of an emergency, you receive the treatment you prefer.
Your doctor will fill out the form based on the contents of your advance directives, the discussions you have with your doctor about the likely course of your illness and your treatment preferences. If you are in a hospital or nursing home, the document is posted near your bed. If you are living at home or in a hospice care facility, the document is prominently displayed where emergency personnel or other medical team members can easily find it. Forms vary by state, but essentially a POLST enables your doctor to include details about what treatments not to use, under what conditions certain treatments can be used, how long treatments may be used and when treatments should be withdrawn.
A POLST also indicates what advance directives you have created and who serves as your health care agent. There is a problem with information submitted for this request. Sign up for free, and stay up-to-date on research advancements, health tips and current health topics, like COVID, plus expert advice on managing your health.
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See more conditions. Healthy Lifestyle Consumer health. Products and services. Living wills and advance directives for medical decisions Plan ahead and get the medical care you want at the end of life. By Mayo Clinic Staff. Thank you for Subscribing Our Housecall e-newsletter will keep you up-to-date on the latest health information. Please try again.