If they were called while married, then they are not required to seek a divorce even though divorce may be permitted on biblical grounds. If they were called while divorced, and cannot be reconciled to their former spouse because that spouse is an unbeliever or is remarried, then they are free to either remain single or be remarried to another believer 1 Cor.
In cases where divorce took place on unbiblical grounds and the guilty partner later repents, the grace of God is operative at the point of repentance. A sign of true repentance will be a desire to implement 1 Corinthians , which would involve a willingness to pursue reconciliation with his or her former spouse, if that is possible.
If reconciliation is not possible, however, because the former spouse is an unbeliever or is remarried, then the forgiven believer could pursue another relationship under the careful guidance and counsel of church leadership. In cases where a believer obtained a divorce on unbiblical grounds and remarried, he or she is guilty of the sin of adultery until that sin is confessed Mark God does forgive that sin immediately when repentance takes place, and there is nothing in Scripture to indicate anything other than that.
From that point on the believer should continue in his or her current marriage. The Grounds for Divorce The only New Testament grounds for divorce are sexual sin or desertion by an unbeliever. The Possibility of Remarriage Remarriage is permitted for the faithful partner only when the divorce was on biblical grounds. Christians are so afraid to condone divorce, they do not always give other Christians good advice. Many churches do not have the wisdom when it comes to helping the abused wife.
My one friend had to struggle with scripture for a long time before she realized she was free to leave. God has blessed her with a loving Christian man and she is finally thriving emotionally and spiritually. It was painful to watch her for so long, my heart ached for her. My mom, not a Christian, also stayed in a bad marriage for 13 yrs. She tried hard, but my dad refused to go to AA or deal with his anger issues. Once he tried to choke my mother to death. I lived with that, as a child, for 9 yrs.
The day my mother finally packed us kids up and left was the happiest day of my life. I felt such a relief. I've heard people say that kids would rather have their parents together fighting, than have them separated, but not ME. That was not my experience. It was so stressful. It was scary to see my dad drunk and blow up and get crazy.
Give me the divorced parent any day over that! Thanks for your blog post, so glad you are free! My ex-wife and I were married in , and she nearly immediately became a different person. Did not contribute to anything in the house, no intimacy physical or emotional , bought frivolous things daily savings spent, etc. I tried taking her to counseling but she would barely talk.
She wouldn't work on the assignments we were given by our counselor. She wouldn't talk to me when I would ask her point-blank why things were the way they were. It was rough. After a little over two years into the marriage I couldn't take it any more. I would drive home from work every day and contemplate running my car off a ravine and being done with it all. I haven't lived in that area for years now, but the place I thought about doing it is burned into my mind.
This is obviously no way to live, so I started contemplating filing for divorce. I grew up in a very traditional Southern Baptist church, and although the church I was going to wasn't specifically Baptist, they held a lot of the same views, one of which is the only reason for divorce is unfaithfulness.
This made the decision to get out that much harder. Once I filed, guys in my church tried to talk me out of it. They even had the audacity to tell me that what I was going through wasn't any different from what every couple dealt with; that if I was having problems with my wife it was because of my inadequacy as a leader in my household.
That just added to the depression, despair, and confusion. Thankfully, I came across a lot of resources that challenged the traditional teachings on divorce. I couldn't ask for a better wife. I know that I still deal with vestiges of that past relationship, the hurts, the struggles, the confusion, and depression, but my wife understands what I've been through and we're moving forward and working on helping each other to be better people.
Anyway, that's my story. Thanks for posting this and letting people know that there IS hope and forgiveness. Nobody should feel pressured by their church to stay in a relationship that's going to destroy them. God forgives, and his mercies are new every morning. Hi Steven, thanks so much for sharing your story. In reading your words, I could feel your pain.
I'm so glad you've found a new life with a woman who is supportive! Thank you for writing this post. While I am blessed to be married to the man I am, I have friends whom I love that I wish could read this post. I really appreciate your openness and your use of scripture in this post. Thankful that God delivered you from where you were and brought you out of it.
Thank you for having the courage to post this. When I finally left him, after a short hiatus living with my son, where I was constantly terrified that he would show up causing problems for not only myself but my son and his family, I moved to help take care of a dear old friend, so that my estranged husband had no idea where to find me. Once I'd settled in with my friend, he and I both attended a church sanctioned class entitled Divorce Care.
Even that country wide class couldn't point out as clearly as you've done here, that God loves us and regardless, that adultery isn't involved you can be justified in divorcing due to other reasons. Thank you. I never seen all this on the biblical side of divorce, it is great to know all these things!
Thanks for sharing! If only one woman is helped by your message, it was worth opening yourself up here. I too, was raised with "divorce is wrong" but like you, too immature to know what was really going on in my first marriage. Unfortunately families can be judgmental to women, so try to find an outside source of help. Hugs and thanks again for bringing this to light. The biblical verses were a blessing to read today.
Wish I had know them many years ago My abusive marriage of 21 years was legally severed 3 days ago. I have struggled with breaking a vow I made to this man before God. Your words are a balm of understanding. May God keep you and bless you, Leslie! I don't feel alone anymore!! I feel stuck in a very unhappy marriage. I emailed you more details in hopes of some advice.
Thank you again!! Thank you so much for this article. I've had a rough past few months with my husband telling me he no longer loves me and no longer wants to be married to me, kicking me out of our home. I tried my hardest to bring him back to me, begging God to open my husband's heart to me again. It really hit me hard when I had gone to get more of my things and he had packed up all of my belongings, like he was so ready to extricate me from his life.
It broke my heart. I have been blessed by my loving and supportive network of friends and family. They've helped me not to let go, but just to focus on myself. I have also gotten involved in my mother's new found church that I gladly call home. All this has shown me how strong I never new I was. I still love my husband and still pray that God fills him with His love, because thats what he needs most.
I realized he didn't just fall out of love with me. He had something happen in his life and while I did my best to be there for him, he never opened up to me and communicated to me how he was feeling. He felt like less of a man, and not only fell out of love with me, but with life abd everything else. So until, or if ever, he wants to try for us again I have to be ok with the decision he's made for his sake and mine.
It's really refreshing to read that my impending divorce does not make me a failure. Hi Jess, I'm so sorry you are going through this difficult time. Hang on to Jesus - he's there for you!
Thank you for this, and for sharing from your own story. John 8. Certainly it's one of the least-taken-seriously by many so-called Christians.
If Christ himself leaves judgement to God, why on earth do we seem to spend so much time and energy judging each other? I try to go to meet the spark of the divine already present in every person that I meet.
So whatever the label they stick on themselves, there is something of God's spirit already there, His gift from before birth to every human creature. So if I encounter an atheist with an open heart, he or she can teach me something of God's love Thank you for writing this. I left an emotionally and physically abusive marriage a little over two and a half years ago. My divorce has been final for two years now. While I was married, I came to a point so low that I felt less than human.
It was by God's grace that I realized that I had hit bottom and that there was nowhere to go but up. I came to the realization that I deserved to be loved. I had walked away from my relationship with God before entering in to my marriage, so my disobedience was part of the cause to my suffering. Had I heeded God's leading, I never would have placed myself in that harmful relationship When I came to the decision that I needed to file for divorce, I opened up to my family from which I had isolated myself about the situation I was in.
There is no way to explain how I was able to walk out of the marriage with such little difficulty except that God was placing people in my path to give me a safe place to live and the means necessary to secure a lawyer who could help me.
I thank God now that he helped me to find a way out of such a destructive relationship. I still hadn't completely reconciled with God after leaving my marriage, but thankfully, my path lead in that direction.
About six months after my divorce was final, I was led in to a time of seeming isolation. I felt alone and cut off from the type of social life I thought I deserved. Little did I know that it was God's way of leading me back to an amazing church I had attended for a few months before I ever got married. I completely walked away from the church while married. After finally realizing that I needed to be plugged in to the body of Christ, I decided to once again check out the church I had attended earlier.
Through that church, I have found meaningful connection with other believers. I've been getting back into the Word more now that I'm taking notes while listening to sermons. I'm a student at heart and love to study the hows and the whys of whatever I'm learning; I have a background in linguistics and I love to dig into the meaning behind what God's Word is saying.
Lately, I have found a deeper level of fellowship with Jesus that I never had previously in my walk with Him. I guess it's due to the thankfulness I feel for his restoration and forgiveness; I don't deserve it at all, but He freely gives it to those who receive it. Thank you for your article and your sharing! It helped me a lot, I left my partner last year, I'm Christian and he is a Muslim.
While I was together with him there were some of your points you mentioned and I was praying a lot and asked our Heavenly Father what I should do. The result was, I left him..
And I know it was the right step, I'm walking with God and I try to not be distracted like I've been while I was with my partner. I guess a lot of Christians think that you should stick with your partner until you return back to God, but there are circumstances, which are not in the will of God, so it's better to leave and stop and return back to the good God way! Please seek God for direction in what you should do in your particular marriage situation. Using a difference of interpretation does not constitute validation for actions.
God's word says repeatedly that He does not approve of divorce and that He is the only one who can break the marriage covenant. He granted a narrow window for divorce because of us and our hardened hearts. Because God knows all, sees all and can do all, including changes of heart, again I say seek His wisdom and direction for your particular situation. God is not pleased with those who twist His word for their benefit.
Ask God for direction and He will answer. I am busy weighing my decision of getting out of an abusive marriage. It's physical but the verbal abuse is the worst! After these tantrums he throws I'm left broken for weeks but still have to be a sex slave. I've been with him for 16 years and stayed because I truly believed God was about family and that divorce was not an option even though I keep researching it. Thank you for this.
I'm still lost in the decision making process feeling broken and hurting but I know that because of this article God will not turn His back on me. Carmin, I'm so sorry for your hurt. I pray comfort and wisdom for you. Thanks for this! A friend shared your blog post with me and it opened up my eyes. I feel so broken in every way.. I don't know how to deal with my situation.
I want a man of God and someone to lead my children in the right direction and he is clearly not it. Thanks for sharing I really do appreciate it! Hi Angela, I'm so sorry you are going through this is emotionally trying time. I know how uncertain and scary it can be among other things. I pray for God's wisdom and guidance upon you in the days to come. Thank you I appreciate that. I'm heading home today and absolutely terrified to go I'm so afraid of the damage he can do to me mentally and emotionally.
Angela, if you are terrified of going home -- get the kids, and don't go home. No one should live in terror. Call a shelter, get a hotel room, call a friend for an overnight visit -- what ever it takes. Trust me, I wish I had done that years before I actually did.
I would have saved me from continuing physical pain my story is above stemming from abuse. I also read where the convenience store QuikTrip QT are designated Safe Places -- people fleeing domestic violence or abuse can go there, tell someone they need a Safe Place, and they will hide you, call the police, and get you help.
Terrie, thank you for sharing this with Angela. You said exactly what I wanted to say. I did not know that about Quick Trip stores so thank you for sharing that with us too.
Angela, Terrie is right, you need to find a safe place to stay. If you need to, leave while your husband is not home and take your children with you. Please keep in touch and let me know how things are going for you. I'm praying for you. I did come home He throated to get a court order if I didnt come home. He's not physical just very verbal and manipulative. He twists everything around to be my fault and portrays his controlling behaviors onto me as if I do them.
Its a bad situation but praying and focusing on getting the help I need to get out. Angela, I'm glad to hear you are safe. Please take care of yourself! Please seek out help! After finding this article on Pinterest, I feel lkri finally have some clarity on the topic of divorce according to the bible.
My husband and I have been together since we were 17 and unfortunately our relationship is at its end. It's been 10 years and we have 2 beautiful kids and it pains me to have to go through a divorce. Thank you very much for the black and white clarification that I so badly needed. I am crying after reading this. I have been staying in an abusive marriage for years thinking that God would not want me to get a divorce. This is the first time I've had anyone explain this to me.
This article has taken a huge load of guilt off my shoulders. I wish I could have found this years ago. Melissa I came upon your website through Pinterest. What I was feeling that night was one of hopelessness and despair. I and my husband our both born again Christians. After about five years of marriage I found out my husband was cheating me.
We spoke to the Bishop of our church who reprimanded my husband sharply, you see he was also a Deacon at our church. It took much prayer and soul searching to forgive him. I even separated from him for awhile. I did return to my marriage and we talked about the issue and even counseling. About two years into the reconciliation he began speaking to this lady again. I took it hard. Can you believe that I put up with it for a few more years. Thank came the verbal abuse constantly I wasn't the right woman.
Oh it gets better. I left him and divorced him never remarried. Nine, yes nine years later because I believed I angered God by not obeying him we remarried. He said he'd' changed, I said I could change change to what I wasn't sure. What a fool I was, nothing changed. Oh after a few years he and the lady stopped talking, but the verbal abuse continued.
The most heartbreaking thing was the letter I found on his computer; asking her to marry him two months before he had asked me.
You see she wanted live with him, but not marry him. Fast forward, off and on we have been together 35 years. Our universality just past and not a word. I love the Lord with all my heart and soul. And because I do that is why my contemplation of suicide would never do. This article made me cry a thousand tears.
I was told to wait until he physically removes me from our house, truthfully I can't. I'm so sorry Karen. The Lord knows your struggle. I hope and pray you can find healing and peace. Thank you so much for taking the time to write this article I have only been married 4 years but my husband has become more abusive verbal, emotional, sexual as time has gone on.
I love God and have felt so desperate with conflicting messages about a godly marriage or divorce. I breathed a sigh of relief reading this article and the comments to know that I am not alone. Right now I want so badly for the marriage to work out but feel that my soul has been crushed with the weight of the issues between us and feeling like I am some how betraying God for thinking divorce is an option.
I so needed this. I am 20 and currently going through a divorce from an emotionally and sexually abusive, adulterous man. I have prayed and prayed for the extent of our marriage two years begging God to change him, or me, or both. After a long battle, I finally asked him to leave with the help and support of my wonderful parents. The hardest part was what people would think of me.
It didn't bother me too badly how God felt, because I knew He would forgive me and love me, Just as He always has. Still, I waited. I waited for a spiritual release from my ex. I just recently got it. I just recently felt Holy Spirit peace about my decision. I am so grateful for women like you who are outspoken in their faith, and honest about their lives.
Thank you for reminding me that I am not alone in this fight. Thank you for reminding me that I am not the only Christian woman walking through the valley. Because of my being raised in church and taught that divorce was wrong, I stayed 17 years in an emotionally abusive marrIage. I finally got the courage to leave and I believe that God has blessed me. Everything fell into place as if it was an affirmation from God that I did the right thing. I had married a man that was just like my father and I felt that if I stayed in this bad marriage my daughters would make the same mistake.
I had to stop this generational curse. Although I believe that I did the right thing, my ex husband was also raised in church and has repeatedly told our daughters that I am going against the Bible and God's word. I just continue to tell our daughters that God is a forgiving God and if I did the wrong thing He will forgive me. It has been a very difficult time for my daughters and me, but God continues to show his love for me despite the hell we've been through.
This article was a gift to me. Thank you so much for writing it!!!! Thank you so much for this! I have been at a cross roads with my marriage for months now. I believe it's time for a divorce. My husband is so much of what you described in this article and my heart cannot endure the pain any longer.
The part where you said God knows brought me to tears. I pray every night for the strength and the courage to do what it is I have to do. File for divorce. He will never change and I know that now. My heart breaks for my children cause deep down I know they will never really know him after this. Which probably isn't a bad thing considering he is a selfish man with no empathy.
Anyway I have worried about how the Lord would feel and this article helped me to understand that he doesn't want me to suffer and it's ok to get out of a bad marriage. Good will still love me regardless. Thank you again and I am happy for you for getting out of your bad marriage.
Gives me hope. Take care. Dear Melissa, Thank you for this article and especially for the words. I have been divorced for an year now and have been through lot depression, guilt and condemnation.
Paul makes the argument that the unbelieving wife or husband is sanctified made holy through the believing husband or wife. The vast majority of Bible scholars agree that it is possible that a believing spouse may choose to desert the relationship as well and therefore this desertion allowance for divorce is not only limited to a relationship between an unbeliever and a believer.
That is this passage applies equally to a marriage between two believers. The last paragraph of the cited passage on desertion explains that it is okay to let a spouse leave a marriage if they wish to do so.
Paul says that the believer is not bound in such circumstances and that we are to live at peace with our fellow citizens on this earth. The Lord absolves the believer of responsibility to maintain the marriage when there is desertion by a marriage partner. Paul points out that the believer is no longer bound or a slave of the marriage covenant in these circumstances. Willful desertion renders the marriage covenant null and there is a release from the bond of Holy Matrimony.
The information, including but not limited to, text, graphics, images and other material contained on this article are for informational purposes only. No material on this site is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment.
Please contact one of our counselors for further information. One of my greatest joys is to connect with people on a relational level. My multicultural background and experience enable me to relate well to numerous types of individuals. One of my passions is to coach individuals toward reaching their personal and professional ambitions. I would love to meet with you to discuss how we can work together to achieve your aspirations. Read more articles by Nitish ».
Many people seek marriage counseling for a variety of different reasons, which usually can be recognized and acknowledged in time Marriage in American culture is the butt of jokes, portrayed as a ball and chain, an end to sex, a Nitish Matthew.
This is Part 1 of 2 in a series on Marriage and Divorce from a Biblical perspective. This calls for wisdom and balance: Certainly we should do everything we can to protect victims of abuse while at the same time respecting the marriage bond and not dissolving it lightly.
Jones, who is the author of Faithful: A Theology of Sex , brings a broad conceptual view to biblical teachings on divorce. Divorce is not, of course, required in such cases, but it is permissible. I see this as a way that Jesus protects us in a world torn apart by sin. Because we are precious to God, we are not required to stay in a marriage when we have been betrayed through porneia. Porneia certainly includes adultery, because adultery violates the one flesh union. But porneia can also include violence or abuse against one's spouse because to abuse one's spouse is also to violate that one flesh union.
Christian counselor and author of The Emotionally Destructive Marriage , Leslie Vernick believes there is a strong biblical warrant for allowing people to experience consequences for their sin see 1 Corinthians —12 ; James —20 ; Galatians In her work with women who are experiencing such situations, Vernick first counsels a wake-up call conversation with their husbands, followed by separation if the husband fails to turn from his sin.
A separation of this sort, undertaken with the support of wise counsel, clarifies the destructive consequences of sinful habits and could have the potential to lead to eventual healing and restoration. Vernick emphasizes that there is a difference between a difficult or disappointing marriage and a destructive marriage. It is easy to become weighed down by the shame of past mistakes. Within the church we see various responses to tough marital struggles. Some may counsel for divorce too hastily, advising couples to forgo the difficult peaks and valleys that are part of any marriage and, in essence, ignoring the high value the Bible places on the marriage commitment.
Meanwhile others may respond with legalism, pressuring fellow Christians to stay in marriages that are clearly destructive and unsafe. There are no cookie-cutter answers to some of these difficult questions. The tension remains: Marriage is a lifelong commitment that is only broken for the most severe reasons. Only as we stay engaged with the whole Word of God can we navigate this tension.