These clinics are staffed by local health assistants, and much information is communicated to Majuro Hospital via radio. There are 5 outer island health centers that are managed by the healthcare program victims of nuclear fallout. This is a U. These are determined using a ranked waitlist. In , one such test caused radioactive fallout to blow over the inhabited atolls of Rongelap and Utrik, which were subsequently evacuated.
In the late s cleanup efforts began, followed by resettlement operations. Presently only Enewetak and Utrik are inhabited. Residents of the Bikini atoll left soon after the attempted resettlement and residents of Rongelap chose to leave the island for good in Embassy of the United States in the Marshall Islands, Under the COFA the United States provides defense and external security in exchange for financial aid and use of Kwajalein Atoll for military purposes.
Today the U. Army Kwajalein Atoll U. The Marshalls is one of only four atoll nations in the world and is also one of the world's youngest nations, independent since just The Marshall Islands became a member of the United Nations in Location: Micronesia literally, "small islands" , a group of coral atolls and islands in the North Pacific Ocean, about one-half of the way between Hawaii and Australia Area: total area is The island group is spread in two formations, with the eastern group known as the Ratak 'Sunrise' chain and the western group known as the Ralik 'Sunset' chain.
The Marshall Islands has a low vulnerability to tsunami, earthquakes and landslides, a medium vulnerability to cyclones and droughts, and a high vulnerability to coastal flooding. RMI faces numerous development challenges with geographical, social and economic factors contributing to high levels of vulnerability, and climate change is expected to exacerbate existing challenges.