What does dependent position mean

It shows up in the legs, the scrotum, the forearms if the arms aren't elevated etc. I had a patient who had really severe dependent edema - his hands were so swollen, we put them on pillows, and within about an hour if that his elbows were swollen and his hands were much less so, but looked wrinkled and saggy because of the strain on the skin.

The fluid went to whatever was the lowest point in his body. I did find something in Taber's about the "gravity-dependent position". My understanding is that that refers to positioning something ie, an extremity below the level of the heart.

So I'm assuming then that "nondependent" positioning means to position an extremity above the level of the heart. What do you guys think? Amazing how hard it is to clarify something in a book that seems like it should be so simple!

Just means to elevate it. Dependent edema goes to the lowest parts of your body when you are standing or sitting. A body part is nondependent when it is higher than it usually is, like up on pillows or in traction.

Your feet are in the nondependent position when you sit up with them on a foot stool, but they probably aren't higher than your heart. May 30, Jul 5, This made me laugh out loud. Not because it's a dumb question. I got to this page from googling "dependent position" but because I would have totally read that excerpt from your textbook with the same odd mental picture in my mind.

Jul 6, While the word "independent" derives from the same root, it has nothing to do with this question.. Jul 7, True as far as behavior, but not as far as physiology. This is a physiology question. People who are independent can still have dependent edema, nu? Sign In Register Now! Gravity pulls blood toward the parts of the body that are closest to the ground. For example, edema may occur in the feet, but people who are bedbound may experience edema in the buttocks.

Usually, the blood is pumped back from feet toward the heart by the veins and the motion of the muscles. When this system malfunctions, the lower body parts begin to fill up with excess fluid, causing the swelling and puffiness of edema.

According to the American Family Physician , one of the primary causes of dependent edema is a problem with the veins, although muscular issues may also contribute. To differentiate between dependent edema and one of the other types of edema, apply gentle pressure to the affected area.

People with dependent edema should be vigilant when it comes to their skin health because they are at increased risk of skin infections. When the skin stretches and breaks, it becomes more vulnerable to infections such as cellulitis , which is a bacterial skin infection that can spread rapidly to other body parts.

The risk of skin infection can be reduced by keeping the skin around the affected areas clean and moisturizing the skin regularly. If there is an underlying cause for the dependent edema, then treating the condition may resolve the edema. Sometimes, these conditions are not curable such as in the case of heart failure , so people may need to manage the edema to limit its symptoms and reduce the risk of complications. Because gravity causes dependent edema, elevating the affected area to above heart level allows the excess fluid to drain toward the heart.

If edema affects the feet, for example, lying down and propping up the legs with cushions can help. If the feet or legs are affected, wearing compression socks or leg sleeves can stop the collection of fluid in the tissues. Compression bandages are also available to wrap other areas of the body. People who cannot move their arms or legs should try manual mobility. This involves moving the immobile body part, perhaps with the hands or with the assistance of another person.

This type of movement can encourage the muscles to pump blood and fluids more efficiently, which can prevent fluid buildup and reduce the edema. A doctor can advise on specific exercises that may further reduce swelling. A high-salt diet can increase water retention , which increases the likelihood of edema. Discuss salt intake with a doctor or dietitian. Massage may move excess fluid out of the affected area.

Using firm pressure, stroke the skin in the direction of the heart. Never use pressure that causes pain. Keep the skin clean and moisturized to prevent cracks, scrapes, and cuts, which can lead to infection. If edema occurs in the feet, wear suitable shoes that do not restrict blood flow but that protect the feet from injury and infection. Some causes of dependent edema are curable, and the edema may resolve once the underlying condition is treated.

However, other causes have no cure. However, there are some steps that a person can take to reduce symptoms and the risk of complications.

Using elevation, compression, movement, and keeping the skin clean can offer relief to many people with dependent edema.

It is always important to discuss dependent edema and its symptoms with a doctor, who can best advise a person on the most effective treatment options for their condition. Pulmonary edema occurs when fluid collects in air sacs of the lungs, making it difficult to breathe.


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