Matt Brown is in Toronto and on twitter. Festivals Udine All Festivals February 10 , AM. Matt Brown. Contributor ; Toronto, Canada tederick. Tweet Post Submit. Do you feel this content is inappropriate or infringes upon your rights? Click here to report it, or see our DMCA policy. A Serious Man Hail Caesar! More about Hail, Caesar! Around the Internet. Be Anarchist! Subscribe to Screen Anarchy. Recent Posts. November 12 , PM by Jim Tudor. November 12 , AM by Kurt Halfyard.
November 12 , AM by Mel Valentin. The quote comes near the end of the film. This is when Captain James T. Kirk played by William Shatner delivers the quote. We have to look at things with a critical eye and not just blindly accept the things in front of us.
Most of my childhood and adult life was spent doing a lot of geeky stuff: watching TV, playing video games and going to the movies. To some, it may have been a waste of time. Well, to me, it has made me what I am today I actually write for a couple of blogs, namely: geekwisdom. View all posts by Victor de la Cruz. You are commenting using your WordPress. The series was notable, too, for further nuancing the brittle humanistic utopianism toward which Roddenberry had tried to shepherd the franchise, bringing more ambiguity and moral compromise into the portrayal of the Federation.
Of course, DS9 carved out room for morally murkier territory and religious diversity precisely by putting the focus further from the Federation mainstream. Still, like all the races and worlds encountered in the Trek universe, the Bajorans and the Dominion showcased different aspects of humanity. Whether Roddenberry who died in would have appreciated or loathed these adaptations of his vision is impossible to say, but they are part of the reason that DS9 is often cited by serious Trekkers as the best Trek series to date.
Some of these themes continued into Star Trek: Voyager a series generally seen as a step backward in many ways and Enterprise often considered the nadir of the franchise , but DS9 remains the high point so far for religious representation in Star Trek.
If post- DS9 Star Trek seems to have lost its way, two groundbreaking non- Trek sci-fi series offered a dramatic challenge to the Trek status quo: J. For many Trek fans, Babylon 5 B5 was something of a revelation: a Trek -like sci-fi universe with shadings of J. Tolkien, offering a measure of Roddenberry-like aspirational idealism combined with a far franker, more realistic portrayal of human nature in all its messiness and mystery.
Though no less fantastic and artificial than Trek , there was social complexity and freshness to B5 that threatened to make Trek feel, well, dated — not unlike what Jason Bourne did to Pierce Brosnan-era Among its other innovations, B5 embraced the durability of religion in human culture, even bringing an order of Catholic monks Trappists onto the station at one point.
In one scene a dying character is even given sacramental absolution. Other religious traditions, human and alien, are explored throughout the series. Battlestar Galactica BSG went further still, both in its realism regarding human behavior and in its religious themes. Where B5 was a sci-fi series that occasionally dealt with religious themes, Galactica was an essentially religious series, with polytheism versus monotheism as a central theme and the existence of God and angels in some form ultimately affirmed.
B5 and BSG were game changers. They altered the imaginative landscape; they altered the audience. We now see through what we accepted in the past.
If the first two episodes of Star Trek: Discovery are any indication, the writers are aware of this need to adapt, at least on some fronts. Some spoilers ahead. The influence of BSG in particular is evident in the disastrous events and the lack of clean resolution two episodes in, suggesting a strong focus on arc storytelling going beyond B5 or DS9. For that matter, what about the religious themes in DS9 in particular?
There is also a new revelation about the Vulcan katra : It turns out that living Vulcans can impart a share of their katra to another person — and then communicate with them psychically across great distances, though not without effort. As the series progresses, the portrayal of the Klingons will probably become more complex and nuanced, with various factions pushing the Empire in different directions, for good and for ill.
But will religious attitudes be associated solely with fanaticism and violence? Or will the series allow some forms of faith to be a force for good as well as harm? Will there be any openness to religious themes among Federation characters?