Email: tabel stanford. Roger Blandford Professor. Email: rdb3 stanford. Susan E. Clark Assistant Professor. Email: susanclark stanford. Renata Kallosh Professor. Email: kallosh stanford. Theoretical Astrophysics and Cosmology Theoretical Physics. Andrei Linde Professor. Email: alinde stanford.
Vahe Petrosian Professor. Email: vahep stanford. Roger Romani Professor. Email: rwr astro. Eva Silverstein Professor. Email: evas stanford. Experimental astrophysics and cosmology research at Cornell can involve several areas of experimental physics, such as designing, building, and observing with new telescopes and cryogenic receivers, developing and testing superconducting devices, and analyzing data from observatories to help address questions about our universe.
In the physics department this work focuses on measurements of the cosmic microwave background and at sub-millimeter wavelengths as well as combining those measurements with observations that span the electromagnetic spectrum. One of the facilities that Cornell physicists are developing instrumentation for and analyzing data from is the 6-meter Atacama Cosmology Telescope, located at meters elevation in the Chilean desert.
Research efforts to develop next generation observatories are underway, including the meter CCAT project, which is planned for installation on a mountain near the Atacama Cosmology Telescope site. The astronomy department is involved in a number of astronomical facilities, and Cornell is a founding member of the CCAT project.