Where routes through congested areas have been designated by local authorities such routes shall be followed. No person shall be allowed to handle explosives while under the influence of intoxicating liquors, narcotics, or other dangerous drugs. Verbal notice shall be confirmed with written notice. These precautions shall include:. In opening kegs or wooden cases, no sparking metal tools shall be used; wooden wedges and either wood, fiber or rubber mallets shall be used.
Nonsparking metallic slitters may be used for opening fiberboard cases. Violent tamping shall be avoided. Primed cartridges shall not be tamped. After loading, all remaining explosives shall be immediately returned to an authorized magazine. All primers shall be assembled at least 50 feet from any magazine.
If electric blasting caps are used and a misfire occurs, this waiting period may be reduced to 30 minutes. Misfires shall be handled under the direction of the person in charge of the blasting and all wires shall be carefully traced and search made for unexploded charges. Leading wires shall remain shorted and not be connected to the blasting machine or other source of current until the charge is to be fired.
All direct sources of heat shall be provided exclusively from units located outside the mixing building. The exhaust systems on all such engines shall be located so any spark emission cannot be a hazard to any materials in or adjacent to the plant.
All bearings and drive assemblies shall be mounted outside the mixer and protected against the accumulation of dust. All surfaces shall be accessible for cleaning. In gravity flow systems an automatic spring-loaded shutoff valve with fusible link shall be installed.
Solid fuels shall be used in such manner as to minimize dust explosion hazards. The frame of the mixer and all other equipment that may be used shall be electrically bonded and be provided with a continuous path to the ground.
Shafts or axles which contact the product shall have outboard bearings with 1-inch minimum clearance between the bearings and the outside of the product container. Particular attention shall be given to the clearances on all moving parts. These include the placarding requirements as specified by Department of Transportation.
The employer shall assure that the operator is familiar with the commodities being delivered and the general procedure for handling emergency situations. The employer shall assure that the driver, in moving the vehicle, has assistance of a second person to guide his movements. Provision shall also be made so that the gate can be locked. They shall be designed to minimize damage from corrosion. Table H shall be used in determining separation distances from inhabited buildings, passenger railways, and public highways.
These distances allow for the possibility of high velocity metal fragments from mixers, hoppers, truck bodies, sheet metal structures, metal container, and the like which may enclose the "donor". Where storage is in bullet-resistant magazines recommended for explosives or where the storage is protected by a bullet-resistant wall, distances, and barricade thicknesses in excess of those prescribed in Table H are not required. Footnote 4 These distances apply to nitro-carbo-nitrates and blasting agents which pass the insensitivity test prescribed in the U.
Department of Transportation DOT regulations. Footnote 5 Earth, or sand dikes, or enclosures filled with the prescribed minimum thickness of earth or sand are acceptable artificial barricades. Natural barricades, such as hills or timber of sufficient density that the surrounding exposures which require protection cannot be seen from the "donor" when the trees are bare of leaves, are also acceptable.
Footnote 6 When the ammonium nitrate must be counted in determining the distances to be maintained from inhabited buildings, passenger railways and public highways, it may be counted at one-half its actual weight because its blast effect is lower. Potential donors are high explosives, blasting agents, and combination of masses of detonating materials. Potential acceptors are high explosives, blasting agents, and ammonium nitrate. Safe distances to stores in bullet-resistant magazines may be obtained from the intermagazine distances prescribed in Table H This includes keeping weeds and other combustible materials cleared within 25 feet of such bin.
Accumulation of spilled product on the ground shall be prevented. The mass of blasting agents and one-half the mass of ammonium nitrate shall be included when computing the total quantity of explosives for determining distance requirements.
Trailers shall be provided with substantial means for locking, and the trailer doors shall be kept locked, except during the time of placement and removal of stocks of blasting agents. Combustible materials shall not be stored within 50 feet of warehouses used for the storage of blasting agents. Spilled materials shall be cleaned up promptly and safely removed. These devices may also be illegal under similar state and local laws. Average Size: Five-eighth inch diameter, 1.
Average Size: 1 inch diameter, 2. Average Size: 1 inch diameter, 3 inches long Average Load: 13 grams of explosives Risk Factor: Injuries include severe crippling and disfiguring of body parts. Average Size: 1 inch diameter, 6 inches long Average Load: grams of explosives Risk Factor: Improper use results in extremely severe injuries to body and may result in death. Improvised explosive devices constructed from various objects are prohibited and extremely dangerous. These include pipe bombs , which are usually made from steel pipes that contain an explosive mixture with a fuse sticking out.
These devices are used during criminal acts and can cause bodily harm and damage to property. Destructive devices include explosive, incendiary or poison gas bombs, grenades, rockets, missiles, mines, and similar devices.
Contract C or Grant G No. O C G Sponsoring Organization Name and Address U. Washington, D. Supplementary Notes Abstract Limit: words This report assesses the potential consequences of accidents involving commercial explosives.
The analysis includes the identification and evaluation of existing listing and classification systems, along with any applicable criteria; review of existing regulations and codes dealing with commercial explosive materials; analysis of histories of accidents involving commercial explosives; and modeling potential consequences of overpressures and heat generation of commercial explosives.
The results of this report. Document Analysis a. Descriptors Explosive Hazard b. Availability Statement Release unlimited Security Class This Report 2O.
Security Class This Page Environmental Protection Agency Washington, D. The many contributors addressed the challenging task of reviewing, analyzing and summarizing the myriad existing models and empirical data on commercial explosives and their hazards. A major consideration in this work was the need to express the hazards of commercial explosives as correctly and simply as possible for use by risk managers.
Finally, the Environmental Protection Agency Science Advisory Board provided comments that were helpful in preparation of the final draft of this document. I Tests for Explosive Properties 71 D. The original list of EHSs was created using only acute toxicity criteria. The purpose of the list was to identify those substances that, if accidentally released, could cause death or serious irreversible health effects off-site. However, toxicity is not the only hazard posed by chemicals.
SARA states that the Administrator may revise the list, and that such revisions "shall take into account the toxicity, reactivity, volatility, dispersibility, combustibility, or flammability of a substance. In order to regulate them, EPA must distinguish extremely hazardous explosives from all other explosives. This report is intended to be used as technical support for the rulemaking by describing various ways of classifying explosives and their hazards.
The report describes different types of explosives and how they are used, and provides analysis of past accidents involving explosives. It also gives a summary of existing regulations, and analysis of the quantity-distance relationship methodology on which those regulations are based.
However, the ATF regulation does not require reporting of the presence of commercial explosives to local emergency planning authorities. Local Emergency Planning Committees LEPCs would then receive information that would enable them to carry out proper planning for the hazards associated with explosives at facilities in their communities. The regulatory history of local emergency planning is presented below.
EPA believed that communities needed a staning point and intended that the list draw attention to the chemical substances and facilities that pose the most immediate concern from an emergency planning and response perspective. EPA recognized and emphasized that there are tens of thousands of compounds and mixtures in commerce that may pose a hazard under specific circumstances and that this list only deals with lethality or serious irreversible health effects associated with acute toxicity.
The Agency chose lethality because it represents the most immediate concern in an emergency situation and is also an approximate measure of the overall toxicity of chemical substances. The meter fenceline distance has also been used by the Occupational Safety and Health Administration OSHA in its analysis for thresholds for chemicals listed in its Process Safety Management Standard and by the state of Delaware for thresholds under its prevention regulations.
EPA recognizes that this distance may not be appropriate for protection of emergency responders. There is no absolute distance that would guarantee the safety of first responders in every situation. In an official inquiry to the Agency in , Senator Frank Lautenburg also noted concern for hazards other than toxicity and asked that EPA focus on other hazards.
The Agency agreed and noted its intent to evaluate hazards other than toxicity in the future. These phenomena are the result of the release of energy from highly reactive or flammable chemicals and are identified as overpressures from blast waves and thermal radiation from fires.
Overpressures result from nearly instantaneous energy release, or detonation, while thermal energy is released during combustion, which occurs more slowly. Since explosive chemicals are highly reactive substances that can detonate and create overpressures, and flammable chemicals can burn and produce thermal radiation, the Workgroup focused on explosives and flammable chemicals as chemicals of concern.
The Workgroup elected to segregate the chemicals for review into separate categories for flammables, explosives, and reactives for purposes of analysis and possible regulation even though it was recognized that there may be overlap of the consequences; e. However, the Workgroup wanted to determine which parameters distinguish extremely hazardous explosives from all other explosives, extremely hazardous flammable substances from all other flammables, and so on.
This report focuses on commercial explosives. Separate documents will address the consequences of accidents involving flammable materials, non-commercial explosives, and other reactive chemicals.
The data analyzed are presented below. Section 2 describes physical and chemical characteristics. Section 3 contains information on manufacture, handling, use, and storage of explosives.
The more rapid the release and the greater the available energy, the more violent the explosion U. DOT Most of the available energy from an explosion is convened into some form of mechanical energy, manifesting itself in the form of blast waves, fragmentation, and ground shock.
Of these damage effects, blast overpressure contributes the greatest damage in chemical explosions. The remaining ponion of the explosive energy remains in thermal form and is of concern because of its fire hazard.
Typically, the damage associated with the pressure wave is far greater such that the thermal wave can be ignored Brasie and Simpson Blast waves from accidental explosions can cause damage to people and property by subjecting them to transient crushing pressures and winds.
Relatively simple concepts have-been used effectively to correlate blast wave properties with damage. These concepts and the results of consequence analysis based on them are discussed in Section 6 and Appendices A and B. Explosive materials typically are classified as either "high" or 'low' explosives or blasting agents.
Detonations result from exothermic chemical reactions that proceed at supersonic velocities, generating large volumes of high pressure gas and heat instantaneously, even though no confining vessel or structure exists. In an explosion caused by a high explosive, the rate of energy release is particularly rapid and the shock wave has a very shon duration. Blasting agents also detonate, but are much less sensitive than high explosives.
In contrast, "low" explosives deflagrate, or burn at subsonic velocities. Some examples of high and low explosives and blasting agents, and their manufacture, handling, and use, are discussed in Section 3 below. A deflagration generates lower pressures and is less destructive than a detonation. A deflagration reaction propagates through the unreacted material via a diffusion mechanism rather than a shock wave.
However, under the right conditions e. Explosives that usually detonate may burn under carefully controlled conditions involving gentle ignition to avoid shock-wave formation, and propellants that normally burn quietly and controllably may detonate if initiated by a high-pressure, high- intensity shock wave Kirk-Othmer Finely divided material is more likely to detonate Kirk-Othmer Thickness of layers of explosive. A large mound of material is more likely to detonate than a thin layer Kirk-Othmer ; there is a "critical thickness," which varies by substance, below which a detonation cannot propagate Medard There is a critical diameter which is the minimum diameter of an explosive charge at which detonation can occur, it is texture dependent, and may be very large for some materials e.
Materials under heavy confinement are more likely to detonate Kirk-Othmer Note that some high explosives are designed so that they will only detonate under confinement Meyer For some unconfined explosives, there is a critical mass below which the material will be consumed by deflagration before detonation can occur, and above which a detonation may be initiated by the heat of the deflagration Medard In general, conditions that minimize energy losses and promote the build-up of a shock wave increase the likelihood of a deflagration becoming a detonation Kirk-Othmer According to Medard , the transition from a deflagration to a detonation is not continuous, with the deflagration accelerating until it reaches the velocity of a detonation, but is always a discontinuous leap.
Representative explosives of each type are used as examples. This section is intended to provide an overview of the explosives industry and current industrial practices. Explosives have been in use for more than ten centuries; the ancient Chinese used a crude form of black powder in early missiles and firecrackers. Explosives were used during the Renaissance to increase quarrying yields and black powder served as the chief propellent for early muskets and cannons.
Current uses of explosives include mining, quarrying, construction, fireworks, and military uses. According to the Bureau of Mines , total consumption of industrial explosives and blasting agents in the U.
The coal mining industry used 3. These explosives were produced by 24 companies. Blasting agents discussed in Section 3. Exhibit 1 presents a breakdown of explosives by type and major applications. Sales of industrial high explosives totalled million pounds in Quarrying and nonmetal mining was reported to use the largest quantity of high explosives, 61 million pounds, or 40 percent of the total, followed by construction, with 40 million pounds, or 26 percent of the total Bureau of Mines High explosives are classified as primary or secondary based upon the explosive's sensitivity to energy inputs.
Primary explosives, such as lead azide or mercury fulminate, are sensitive to small energy inputs caused by friction, shock, or static electricity i. A small energy input generates a shock wave which moves through the unreacted explosive. Secondary explosives have faster detonation rates and produce a larger energy output than do primary explosives. Explosive Materials and Their Application explosive matter 1 1 explosives 1 1 high explosives propellants pyrotechnics 1 1 primary initiating secondary gun propellants explosives explosives ,.
Explosives, 3rd ed. Primary explosives are used in detonators, blasting caps and percussion primers. A detonator usually contains a primary explosive, typically lead azide in quantities less than a gram, and several secondary explosives, as needed.
The function of a detonator is to magnify a tiny energy input in a chain reaction which leads to the quick release of energy stored in secondary explosives Kirk-Othmer A typical detonator is shown in Exhibit 2. According to the United States Bureau of Mines Cantrell , the majority of high explosives manufactured in this country are nitro explosives. Nitroglycerine, a nitro explosive in common use in the explosives and medical industries, is discussed here as an example of a secondary high explosive.
Information on its manufacture, handling, and use is presented below. Early references to nitroglycerine date back some years. Alfred Nobel used this compound in his original formulation for guar dynamite, a mixture of nitroglycerine and kieselguhr, an inert base.
Today, nitroglycerine is used as a prescription drug, as well as an explosive; it is used as a vasodilator and to relieve angina pectoris. Nitroglycerine is very stable, and it does not decompose at room temperature. Nitroglycerine burns rather than explodes if present in small quantities or if unconfined.
Microbubbles of air present in liquid nitroglycerine increase its sensitivity to shock, since the shifting of bubbles increases the kinetic energy in the system. Nitroglycerine's sensitivity to shock is unusual in a secondary explosive. It is only employed when desensitized by other compounds, often triacetin, dibutyl phthalate, or nitrocellulose Kirk-Othmer The earliest methods for manufacturing explosives were batch methods, used to prepare a large quantity of an explosive at one time.
The dangers of handling large amounts of explosives led to the development of continuous production methods and the eventual phase-out of batch processes. Continuous methods result in production of quantities of explosives that allow for safe handling. Production is continuous with the explosives being removed from the reaction immediately after synthesis. Variations of these two methods may be used to synthesize other nitro explosives as well Kirk-Othmer In the Biazzi Continuous Process, oleum, nitric acid, and glycerol are metered into a nitrator.
Nitroglycerine is separated from the emulsified working solution and spent acid is sent through a mechanical centrifuge and additional nitroglycerine is separated. Both the nitroglycerine and acidic working solution are washed with water until stability is assured, and a non-explosive emulsion of water and nitroglycerine is formed for temporary storage Kirk-Othmer There are many safety features built into the Biazzi Process.
The emulsions formed ensure that the nitroglycerine is insensitive; a water to nitroglycerine emulsion is stable and unlikely to explode. Production reactors are of highly polished, stainless steel, and operations are fully automated. Fail-safe features include water spray jets, signaling devices, and automatic shut-down. Control features include an overflow pipe and the ability to drown a runaway reaction with water to bring it under control Kirk-Othmer The flow of glycerol is regulated by a vacuum generated by the flow rate of tbe acid.
The glycerol quickly reacts, an emulsion forms, and the solution is immediately cooled. After cooling, the nitroglycerine is separated, washed, and temporarily stored as an emulsion.
Safety features for this method are the same as those built into the Biazzi Process. In both processes detonation traps are used to prevent propagation of an accidental explosion throughout the entire reactor. Pharmaceutical grade nitroglycerine can be manufactured using either the Biazzi or Nobel process.
After synthesis, it is stabilized and mixed so that its concentration ranges from 1 to 20 percent pure nitroglycerine, in combination with inert chemicals, forming a non-explosive mixture Wilcox High explosives have many uses ranging from mining and quarrying to construction, seismology and petrogeology. Primary explosives are very sensitive, and they are generally not handled until placed in blasting caps and detonators.
Secondary explosives have a wide range of uses; they are used in blasting caps and to sensitize blasting agents. Secondary explosives e. Modem dynamites are made from high explosives, usually nitroglycerine and an active base nitrocellulose, which contribute to the force of the explosion. Most dynamites are variations of straight dynamite or gelatin dynamite. Straight dynamite is manufactured by absorbing an active base in nitroglycerine. Gelatin dynamites are made from nitroglycerine and nitrocbtton.
Ammonium nitrate which is widely used in blasting agents is also often used in dynamites, in combination with nitroglycerine and various fuels. Dynamite is classified by strength according to its equivalence to or percentage of nitroglycerine Wallace Dynamite is supplied in various cartridge sizes as needed to perform particular demolition and mining tasks.
Cartridges are stored and shipped in fiberboard crates usually weighing fifty pounds. Large cartridges can weigh in excess of 50 pounds and are safely shipped uncased. Storage facilities for explosives must meet the requirements for safe distances as specified in the American Table of Distances for Storage of Explosives established by the Institute of Makers of Explosives and adopted by ATF see Section 6.
These storage sites are required to be clearly marked with placards indicating the presence of explosive material. Transportation of explosives is strictly regulated by DOT. Operators of vehicles transporting explosives are required to meet the qualifications specified in 49 CFR , Subpart B.
High explosives must be transported in a magazine or a day box, which contains only enough explosive for one day, as regulated by 49 CFR High explosives are currently classified by DOT as Division 1. Explosives transported on land may not contain more than 60 percent liquid explosive ingredient; explosives transported by water may contain no more than 75 percent. DOT lists general packing requirements for high explosives and specific regulations for certain high explosives e.
All packages and transporting vehicles must be clearly identified as containing explosives and possess the appropriate markings i. High grade nitroglycerine, a liquid high explosive, is regulated by DOT as Division 1. Pure undesensitized nitroglycerine is forbidden for transportation. Pharmaceutical grade nitroglycerine, however, passes the DOT required No. Propellants, used in guns and rockets, and pyrotechnic compositions, used, for example.
Propellants are mixtures of chemicals, including fuels and oxidizers, that function by burning to produce large volumes of gas at controlled rates. Propellants for guns are usually based on nitrocellulose; liquid explosives such as nitroglycerine and crystalline explosives such as nitroguanidine may also be included in the composition. Rocket propellants may be based on nitrocellulose and a liquid explosive or may be polymer- based Kirk-Othmer Pyrotechnic compositions are made up of a fuel and an oxidizer, reactions generally take place independently of any external oxidizer.
The oxidation-reduction reactions involving pyrotechnic compositions produce little or no gas, in contrast to propellants. Magnesium and aluminum powders are the most commonly used fuels; alkali metal salts may be used as oxidizers.
Fireworks, which are made from pyrotechnic compositions, are produced at approximately plants nationwide that employ no more than 1, workers Conkling Common or consumer fireworks e.
They are regulated in transponation by DOT as explosives in Division 1. Special or display fireworks are regulated by ATF both in manufacturing and in finished form. Pyrotechnic compositions also may be used as prime igniters for more powerful high explosives, as in a safety fuse Kirk-Othmer Black powder, which may serve as a propellant and fuse powder in fireworks, is classified by the ATF as a low explosive; however, it is listed as a high explosive under DOT regulations.
Black powder is a mixture with a composition that has changed little in over 1, years of use. Manufacturing procedures for low explosives vary widely. Propellants of various types include a variety of compositions; manufacturing methods include both batch and continuous processes, and may be very different, depending on the propellant and its use.
Black powder, discussed above, is manufactured by only one company in the United States, Goex, Inc. Black powder is essentially a mixture; therefore, its properties rely on the blending of the ingredients. Either potassium nitrate or sodium nitrate is ground with charcoal and sulfur. The resulting mixture is dried, pressed and packaged. The process is highly automated. Water deluge systems are in place as a safety measure.
If ultraviolet light sensors detect a flash, deluge systems are activated. ATF regulations limit the quantities of explosive materials allowed in the process area of a special fireworks manufacturing plant to quantities reasonably necessary for a day's manufacturing or assembly operations.
No more than ten pounds of flash powder and pounds of other explosive materials may be kept in any process building or area. All explosive powders and mixtures, unfinished special fireworks, and finished fireworks must be stored in approved magazines at the end of the day magazines are any buildings or structures used for storage of explosives Conkling Bum tests in on special fireworks, however, showed that certain types would detonate under confinement or in bulk quantities quantities that might be found in manufacturing operations.
The materials that detonated were flash powder, which is usually a mixture of an oxidize: potassium perchlorate and two fuels sulfur and aluminum powder ; finished "salutes", which consist of a cardboard casing containing about 57 grams of flash powder, with a gram propelling charge of black powder at the bottom; and "stars", which usually consist of a mixture of an oxidizer typically potassium perchlorate, potassium chlorate, or potassium nitrate , one or more fuels e.
Tests on bulk quantities of finished "color shells" showed rapid burning, but no detonation or mass explosion Conkling Low explosives are categorized and regulated by DOT as Division 13 under the international classification system, or Class B under the old system see Section 5.
Individual pyrotechnic compositions e. However, as part of the approval and testing process by the Explosives Branch, ERD requires that information be submitted to ensure that the explosive can be safely used as recommended by the manufacturer. This guideline, in conjunction with the Authorization and Classification of Explosives document, outlines the requirements to be met by a manufacturer who applies for approval of an explosive and, when applicable, its use only with manufacturer-specified system components.
The Explosives Regulatory Division ERD may periodically request samples or undertake audits to validate the continuing authorization of the articles on the Canadian list of authorized explosives.
Audits are used to assess the effectiveness of the quality control system, identify its weaknesses, risks and areas needing improvement, and to ensure that products comply with the specifications and performance results as supplied to obtain authorization. A request for authorization of explosives covered by this standard includes the submission of the application form PDF, kb available from the ERD website , with the information requested on the application form, and all additional information on the explosive in question requested in this document, including any test data generated by the manufacturer, commercial test agency and national competent authority test agencies such as the Canadian Explosives Research Laboratory CERL.
How the submission will be evaluated is described in sections 7 and 8 of the Authorization and Classification of Explosive s document. The submission is a legal declaration to the Government of Canada in order to obtain authorization. It is the first indication of the care a company exercises in achieving a product of acceptable quality. Poor submissions do affect perception. A list of all the articles in the submission by name, preferably with an identifying part number, is required.
Note that any testing in support of the UN classification should be supplied for review, and that acceptable test results from another test facility may be accepted in lieu of testing at CERL for these tests. Refer to Table 1 section 4 for characteristics and test results to be supplied by the manufacturer. This policy limits the use of waste oil to waste oil generated at a mine site and ensures that oil from all types of sources is not used unless the composition and the source are known and characterized.
Accordingly, the following requirements apply to the sources of waste oil:. If some components of a multi-component explosive assembly are purchased from another source e.
ERD will decide whether a separate testing scheme for the outsourced material will be required. Provide a summary that describes field test and use results obtained, in Canada or abroad, from any trial or commercial use prior to the authorization application.
This summary and supporting information will be used to determine which category of authorization is appropriate for a product and system. For example, products having extensive satisfactory test and commercial use experience are much more likely to be considered for authorization for an unlimited period than products with only test experience and no commercial experience.
Similarly, prototype products and systems with no field use might only be considered for provisional authorization for a specified period, and then only when submitted by companies known to ERD and known to have an established product development protocol which demonstrates reliability before actual field trials and results are available.
Submissions requesting authorization for an unspecified period should summarize field use results such as:. Similarly, submissions requesting provisional authorization for a specified period would be expected to generate similar information during the specified period. When little or no usage or field-test data is available, then prototype products and systems or new products similar to those already authorized by a company may only be considered for provisional authorization for a specified period.
The conditions and specified period applied to the authorization would be based on factors such as:. Submissions for provisional authorization for a specified period would be expected to include similar information to that described in paragraph 2.
This section describes the requirements for the acceptance of a submission and the sample selection methodology. Tolerances for each ingredient in an explosive, which are expressed as a percentage of the total explosive, shall not exceed the following:.
The tolerances above do not apply to the following products, they will be dealt with on a case-by-case basis:. All declared ingredients must be present. Ingredients not declared must not be present at a level exceeding 0. Tolerances for charge weights for the various sizes of packaged products may be set by the company.
The labelling and markings on packages must conform to the requirements of the Explosives Regulations. Packaging must comply with the requirements of the Explosives Regulations and with the specifications set out in the most recent National Standard of Canada entitled Packaging of Explosives Class 1 for Transportation.
Not all articles need to be tested. Large submissions are sampled and the acceptance of the submission depends on the behaviour of the sample. New products similar to existing ones from established and known companies may be authorized by analogy to existing products of that company.
The choice to sample rests with the inspector and depends on factors such as past experience, history of complaints, and availability of articles from the same company to use as analogues, or the time elapsed since articles from the company were last tested.
The description of sampling below represents a typical minimum sampling requirement. Inspectors may decide that additional samples are needed to better evaluate a submission. The sample quantity for all other high explosives oil and gas well explosives, binary explosives and plastic explosives will be determined after a review of the submission for authorization and test data available for the explosive. Applicable test limits reflect normal or routine conditions for transport, storage or use and do not reflect extreme limits at which failures or malfunctions can be reasonably explained.
In addition, ERD only accepts samples that have been prepared and supplied by the company itself. For these reasons, any failure or malfunction will be carefully and critically reviewed by the inspector; and since in general any defect involving testing of any important attributes constitutes failure of the article, explanations will only be considered if justified and sound.
Section 6. This section describes more specifically the basis under which explosives will be given a classification and authorization. When samples are sent to CERL for product testing, they should preferably be shipped in their intended packaging with the appropriate labeling and instructions.
Note that all packaging for shipping must comply with TDG regulations. Table 1 summarizes the requirements for blasting explosives in bulk and packaged form, indicating the specific tests required for each type of product.
Table 2 summarizes the tests, indicating the origin of the test and the test criteria for blasting explosives. The tests for authorization of blasting explosives are based on the requirements detailed in the Explosives Regulations. The actual tests and test criteria originated from three sources:. The CEN and CERL tests focus on ensuring the safety of products for manufacturing, storage and handling, while the UN tests are more concerned with classification of the products for transportation.
The symbol "-" in the UN test criteria means a result where no reaction explosion, ignition or in certain cases a rise in temperature was observed. Table 3 summarizes the requirements for shaped charges and perforating guns, indicating the specific tests required for each type of product.
Table 4 summarizes the tests, indicating the origin of each test and test criteria for the explosives types listed in Table 3.