It dissolves in nitric acid, aqua regia nitro-hydrochloric acid and concentrated sulfuric acid, but is not soluble in any strength of hydrochloric acid. If technetium does exist organically, it must be in minute concentrations. Technetium has been found in the spectrum of S-, M-, and N-type stars. Its presence is leading to new theories of the production of heavy elements in the stars. As was found in , one of its isotopes, 99 Tc, is produced as a product from the fission of uranium in nuclear reactors.
Because of this, large quantities have been produced over the years. The higher the value, the larger risk there is to supply. The percentage of the world reserves located in the country with the largest reserves. A percentile rank for the political stability of the top producing country, derived from World Bank governance indicators.
A percentile rank for the political stability of the country with the largest reserves, derived from World Bank governance indicators. Specific heat capacity is the amount of energy needed to change the temperature of a kilogram of a substance by 1 K. A measure of the stiffness of a substance. It provides a measure of how difficult it is to extend a material, with a value given by the ratio of tensile strength to tensile strain.
A measure of how difficult it is to deform a material. It is given by the ratio of the shear stress to the shear strain. A measure of how difficult it is to compress a substance. It is given by the ratio of the pressure on a body to the fractional decrease in volume.
A measure of the propensity of a substance to evaporate. It is defined as the equilibrium pressure exerted by the gas produced above a substance in a closed system. This Site has been carefully prepared for your visit, and we ask you to honour and agree to the following terms and conditions when using this Site. Copyright of and ownership in the Images reside with Murray Robertson. The RSC has been granted the sole and exclusive right and licence to produce, publish and further license the Images.
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Jump to main content. Periodic Table. Glossary Allotropes Some elements exist in several different structural forms, called allotropes. Glossary Group A vertical column in the periodic table. Fact box. Glossary Image explanation Murray Robertson is the artist behind the images which make up Visual Elements.
Appearance The description of the element in its natural form. Biological role The role of the element in humans, animals and plants.
Natural abundance Where the element is most commonly found in nature, and how it is sourced commercially. Uses and properties. Image explanation. A radioactive, silvery metal that does not occur naturally. The gamma-ray emitting technetiumm metastable is widely used for medical diagnostic studies.
Several chemical forms are used to image different parts of the body. Technetium is a remarkable corrosion inhibitor for steel, and adding very small amounts can provide excellent protection. This use is limited to closed systems as technetium is radioactive. Biological role. Technetium has no known biological role. It is toxic due to its radioactivity. Natural abundance.
The metal is produced in tonne quantities from the fission products of uranium nuclear fuel. It is obtained as a grey powder. Early chemists puzzled over why they could not discover element number 43, but now we know why — its isotopes are relatively short-lived compared to the age of the Earth, so any technetium present when the Earth formed has long since decayed.
Technetium can also be used as a medical tracer and to calibrate particle detectors. Number of Stable Isotopes : 0 View all isotope data. Electron Shell Configuration :. Technetium Previous Isotopes Next. History and Uses : Technetium was the first artificially produced element. These reactors are uranium deposits which naturally underwent sustained nuclear reactions in Gabon, western Africa about 1.
Technetium isotopes like the excited isotope technetiumm are produced today because of their importance in nuclear medicine. The big advantage of technetiumm half-life six hours is that it is produced by decay from the much longer lived isotope molybdenum half-life 67 hours. This means molybdenum can be stored in the hospital and the technetiumm isolated for patient use when necessary. ANSTO's OPAL reactor produces molybdenum using uranium, and ANSTO is hoping to increase its production of this isotope with the world facing a potential shortfall in supplies as older reactors are temporarily closed for maintenance.
Technetiumm is a good isotope to use as a radioactive tracer because it doesn't harm the body too much, and the single gamma ray it emits enables doctors to get a very good picture of where the isotope is in the body, Weiner says. However the downside of the procedure is it produces waste in the form of technetium the ground or unexcited state of technetiumm which has to be immobilised to prevent harm to the environment.
Tags: nuclear-issues , medical-procedures , chemistry. Email ABC Science. Use this form to email 'What's the story with technetium?