See our section Working while you study for more details. Check out our blog for more ideas on saving costs while you study in New Zealand. Choose from halls of residence, home stays or flats. Prices vary depending on where you choose to shop. All New Zealand cities and most towns have buses, and some areas offer cheaper bus fares for students.
Auckland and Wellington have train services to outer suburbs. Fuel prices are monitored by Petrolwatch. Other free or cheap entertainment options include live music, festivals, outdoor movies, parks, gardens, museums and galleries.
Many tertiary education institutions offer discount cards for students. Most people have a choice of four to nine energy retailers, each with many different plans to choose from. Consumer Powerswitch and Glimp let you find and compare the best gas and electricity options in your area.
Choose from monthly account plans or pre-paid plans for mobile phones. What's this? Learn more about 5 Steps to studying in New Zealand Ok, got it. You're on step: 2 of 5. Thinking about taking up tertiary study or training?
Already studying with a tertiary provider but need more information? Need advice on tertiary study for family or friends? This site has important information about tertiary education providers, qualifications and courses that might help you make decisions about tertiary education.
You can search on this site for a tertiary:. NCEA credits needed for study, apprenticeships and training. Fees-free website — check your eligibility for fees-free tertiary study and industry training. We are closed on all public holidays, including Wellington Anniversary. Call Email us with your career question. Contact us , this will open a modal Favourites Sign in.
Search Search. Contact us for career advice. Favourites Home Plan your career Talk to a career expert Start to plan or change your career Get ideas for your career Make a career decision Act on your career plans. Job profiles. What's happening in the job market? What we can do for year olds We offer a number of services for young people to help improve skills through education, training, work or other related activities.
What we offer:. Help to study, train or learn new skills Youth Service Youth Service supports young people to stay in or get into education, training or work-based learning while offering guidance and support towards an independent life.
Student Allowance - StudyLink website A payment to help with your living costs while you study full-time. Training Incentive Allowance An allowance which helps people on some benefits with some employment-related training costs. If you're: under 18 and not in full-time education contact a Youth Service provider to discuss your options over 18 contact us we can offer career guidance and help you find a job that's right for you.
We may be able to help you with some of the costs of looking for work and attending interviews. Looking for work We can help you find work and support you while you're looking for work.
Find a Job Search for job vacancies by role and location. Work Experience If you want to develop your work skills, increase your self-confidence or find out what you might be good at, you might want to consider Work Experience. Voluntary work Voluntary work is great way to get work experience, learn new skills and help a community.