Who is amy ponds daughter

Two parts of space and time that should never have touched. Amy and Rory have experienced many traumatic moments together and death seemed to follow them through time. When Rory was erased from time by the crack in the wall, there was enough residue for the Alliance to create an Auton Rory. This Auton Rory tried to resist his destructive programming but ended up shooting Amy.

In emotional distress and guided by The Doctor, Amy was placed inside the Pandorica. Auton Rory stood guard outside the Pandorica for two thousand years, ensuring Amy's safety. Traveling with The Doctor is risking the unknown. When an adventure to Apalapucia doesn't go as planned, Amy becomes trapped in a quarantine kindness timestream. When Amy begins to rapidly age in comparison to The Doctor and Rory , a terrible choice must be made.

Rory is forced to decide between saving the version of his wife who has been stranded for over three decades, or the younger version who has only been gone a short while. Amy Pond was abducted during her pregnancy and replaced by a Ganger version of herself. Amy was unaware that instead of traveling around time and space, she was being held captive by Madame Kovarian. Amy woke up in her real location after the Ganger version of herself was discovered and destroyed by The Doctor.

After Amy and Rory were taken by the Angels, they said a final farewell through the afterword of River Song's novel. It was the only way they could. In their words to The Doctor, Amy assured him that she and Rory were happy and that they loved him. She told him not to be alone. Amy also had one final request for her dear friend, a request that he give a little girl waiting in a garden the gift of hope.

She told him to tell her the story of Amelia Pond. Zarreen Moghbelpour is a cinephile, writer, reading enthusiast, and performer based in Australia. Adventures across time and space with the time-travelling hero. Adventures in time and space with the Eleventh Doctor and his companion Amy Pond.

We may never know precisely when, but Madame Kovarian was behind the kidnapping of Amy. Possessing a natural and unique defence mechanism, the Angels can only move when no other living creature is looking at them.

Transform one of your books into a diary like River Song's! The ideal place to keep spoilers Main content. The Return of River. She used this condition to collect parts for the Doctor to build a vision disruptor and sneaked by the Daleks to set it to blind them as they arrived.

The Doctor overloaded the magnetic field generators. The Daleks lost the Eye and never used it to alter history. A nano-virus spread by Cybermats had turned the crew into Cyberslaves to recover Cybermen trapped beneath the ice millennia before. Amy used a reprogrammed distress beacon to disable the Cybermats.

The Cyberslaves captured Amy and nearly converted her, but the Doctor rescued her and defeated them. Amy next ended up on a rubbish asteroid called the Gyre far into her relative future, which was to be destroyed by a nanobomb.

She befriended the Sittuun Charlie and saved the Doctor from the devolved descendants of humans stranded there centuries before.

The Doctor next took her back to June , in New York City , for the best burgers in all history, buying the street they were sold on in her name to get them for free; she wanted to shop with the psychic paper instead. However, this plan was derailed when she had to save him and all Manhattan from being kidnapped by tiny aliens known as the Vykoids.

She was remembered by them as the reason they failed in their mission. Amy could not understand why they were angry with him for saving them, but the Doctor theorised it was because he took their " squiggly whatsit. They next went to a museum in the st century , where they found the Byzantium 's Home Box with a message, "Hello, Sweetie," in High Gallifreyan , cut into its case with a torch.

They travelled to a space-time point in the 51st century , adjacent to the Byzantium and opened the TARDIS doors just as River Song blew herself out of the doomed ship.

The Doctor introduced the two women, neither he nor Amy being aware that River was both Amy's future daughter Melody and her lifelong friend, Mels. When at one point she was left alone, a video recording of Angel Bob came to life and nearly escaped out of the television. Although Amy neutralised it in time by pausing it on a blip, she looked into its eyes for too long, her eyes becoming infected by a mental image of the Angel.

All three proceeded to the Byzantium 's wreckage on Alfava Metraxis to help the Church defeat an army of Weeping Angels aboard the ship, which had been awakened by the crashed ship's engines.

While travelling through the wreckage, Amy started counting down from 10, although was initially unaware she was doing so, this, in fact, being the Angel; to prevent it from killing her, she was forced to keep her eyes shut. Although all of the Church's men were soon either killed or erased from time by the time cracks that appeared, the Angels were all eventually sucked into the time cracks themselves when the artificial gravity was disabled, erasing the mental image of the Angel from her eyes and temporarily closing the cracks.

However, she was left shaken by her close encounter with death. While her Angel-infected eyes were required to be closed, the Doctor returned to her and admonished her to remember what he told when she was seven; this incarnation of the Doctor was from weeks or months into her relative future. After this trauma, Amy told the Doctor she wanted to go home and was getting married. They arrived on the night of 25 June , minutes before midnight.

She aggressively attempted to seduce the Doctor. TV : Flesh and Stone Amy protested that he was "a bloke" who flirted with all of the ladies and laughed at all the men in each room he entered; he explained his compulsion to travel with companions stemmed from his lost ability to marvel at the universe and that he took companions in order to experience the wonders vicariously through them.

Wondering how many other women had travelled with the Doctor, Amy tricked him into unlocking the visual records, something that was amusing to her as he lied about the number of women companions. This forced the Doctor to collect Rory from his stag party. As a wedding gift, the Doctor took them to romantic Venice in as travelling with him and returning to normal lives ruins relationships, in the hopes that this would repair theirs.

They discovered "vampires", who were, in fact, Saturnyns attempting to repopulate their species by transforming human girls into compatible mates for the sons of Rosanna Calvierri. After barely escaping conversion herself, Amy rescued Rory from Rosanna's eldest son, Francesco , killing for the first time.

He taunted Amy about her confused relationship with the Doctor and Rory, forcing her to choose between them. When Rory died in one dream, she realised that she did not wish to live without him. On finding him alive in reality, she made it clear to him for the first time that his feelings were fully reciprocated. TV : Amy's Choice. After an aborted attempt to form an alliance between humans and the Silurians, during which Amy spoke for mankind, the Silurian leader Eldane fumigated the city with a gas to stop the military forces led by Restac from attacking humanity.

The troops were forced to return to the cryo-stasis pods to hibernate for a thousand years. Rory was killed with a shot intended for the Doctor by Restac and erased from reality by another of the cracks in space and time.

Amy lost all of her memories of him. TV : Cold Blood. Amy asked the Doctor why he was being so nice to her. He defensively told Amy that he was always nice to her, hiding his feelings of guilt. Amy told the Doctor that she was just joking, but wondered why he wasn't. Amy tries to cheer up Vincent van Gogh. TV : Vincent and the Doctor. In response, the pair flew off to Auvers-sur-Oise , France , on 1 June Amy developed a close bond with Vincent and convinced the Doctor to take the tortured man to and show him how he would be revered.

She was devastated to discover that Vincent had still killed himself and the only change was a dedication on Sunflowers , "For Amy, Vincent". Also during this adventure Vincent proposed to Amy, but Amy turned him down believing herself to be "not the marrying kind". They visited Smyslov 3 for the first time to find their future selves had just visited and caused much damage. The Entity created a lesion in time, sent her a thousand years into the future and began to feed on her timeline.

The Doctor sent Amy a tachyon feedback loop to return to him. He captured the Entity and sent it into the riptide to gorge on the four-dimensional Chronomites without harming them. They found a vacation spot, Poseidon 8 in the 23rd century , attacked by a Zaralok , occupied by the Vashta Nerada and its people suffering "sickness".

Amy helped the Doctor restore power to the undersea farming facility. It had brought the Zaralok and Vashta Nerada through a dimensional vortex caused by a malfunctioning cloaking device. The Doctor and Amy deactivated the device, returning the Zaralok and Vashta Nerada to their proper timelines. Amy and the Doctor next followed a distress signal to a family spaceship where a Dalek scientist was attempting to steal the technology. When the engine overloaded, the whole Jones family were scattered into space and time, and the Doctor and Amy travelled to many different locations, such as an ancient Ican temple facing many different monsters like Cybermen and Silurians on their quest to find and help the family.

After they were reunited, the Doctor directed her to write a note to his past self to direct him to rent a flat from Craig Owens. She got upset at the Doctor for getting Craig and Sophie together when he couldn't get her a man.

While searching the Doctor's jacket pocket for a pen , she discovered a jewellery box, containing her engagement ring from the now-erased Rory. She could not attach any memories to it, but felt a strange connection. TV : The Lodger. Receiving an invitation to a reunion , the Doctor and Amy arrived at galactic space-time co-ordinates by 01, where they were met by a Dalek , a Cyberman , a rogue Ood and a Weeping Angel.

All four attempted to kill the Doctor first, resulting in them attacking each other and allowing the Doctor and Amy to escape in the commotion. The Doctor and Amy landed on an asteroid where an old house stood.

They discovered Professor Landale and Miss Crisp had laid a claim to salvage rights of the house, which contained books and films from the Ninth Dynasty of Arkatron and deactivated its alarms. They met a man purporting to be the house's curator called " Lester Forge ". Amy found the body of Miss Dellman and the Doctor and Amy realised that the "curator" was in fact a prisoner called Maxim Klart , the mastermind behind the Ninth Dynasty's killings and disappearances and Miss Dellman's murderer.

Klart had been released from his imprisonment in a stasis bed when the alarm failed. The Doctor reconnected the alarm system, and the robot guards put Klart back in his bed. The Doctor, Amy, Landale, and Crisp all decided to leave the place as it was found, and not to tell anyone about it. Amy and the Doctor visited Space Florida a week before the events of the Doctor's erasure. The Doctor then took Amy to see the oldest writing on the oldest planet of the universe.

Its meaning had never been discerned. Arriving at the cliff face, they discovered the translated greeting, "Hello, Sweetie," and a set of coordinates for Stonehenge on 21 January AD. Amy realises that Rory has returned. In a cave below Stonehenge, they found the legendary Pandorica which bore a striking resemblance to the illustration of Pandora's Box on the cover of Amy's favourite book from childhood.

She was attacked by the disembodied head of a Cyberman. The centurions turned out to be Autons who believed themselves to be real, the first one of whom to volunteer to join River at Stonehenge was an Auton incarnation of the erased Rory Williams.

Amy did not recognise him at first but gradually came to remember, finally embracing him and welcoming him to place the ring on her finger, the Doctor having returned it to him in the cave. The Alliance activated the Autons, including Rory who was unable to resist the programming to shoot Amy dead. Fortunately, the Doctor promptly arrived via River's vortex manipulator , before Amy had fully died.

He instructed Rory to free him from the Pandorica and place Amy inside to save her life. His younger self, free of the trap, helped Rory to seal Amy within it to keep her alive for the next two millennia. Over the Doctor's objections, Rory opted to stay behind and ensure her safety, drew his sword and sat down to wait.

In , Amy unknowingly travelled to Rome in the Pandorica, essentially unconscious. Rory continued to guard her. He was unable to keep the Pandorica from being taken by the Franks during a raid in but ensured Amy's continued safety therein.

By , the Pandorica had become a prized possession of the Knights Templar , and it was donated to the Vatican in Sometime thereafter, it was sold by Marco Polo.

All the while, the legend grew of the Lone Centurion who loyally guarded the box. The Pandorica was taken to London. The warehouse in which it was stored was set ablaze in during the German Blitz ; it was found unscathed the next morning, a safe distance from the fire. Eyewitness accounts told of a man in Roman armour dragging the Pandorica to safety; the last sighting of the fabled Lone Centurion.

By , the Pandorica was on display at the National Museum in London. In , the Pandorica was opened by the touch of Amy's seven-year-old self who had been lured to the exhibit by the Doctor.

Adult Amy emerged healed and healthy, telling Amelia, "Okay kid, this is where it gets complicated. The two watched a brief video about the Pandorica and its mythical protector, bringing Amy to tears. Her grief over Rory's sacrifice was cut short by the entrance of a security guard: Rory.

After running from Daleks, watching the Doctor rescue River Song from her time-loop in the exploding TARDIS which had become the Sun, and seeing the Doctor appearing to be killed, Amy found that he had returned to the Pandorica, wired it to the vortex manipulator, and was about to launch himself into the heart of the exploding TARDIS in order to reboot the universe.

Amy was horrified when River explained that the Doctor would be trapped on the other side of the sealed Crack and be erased from time and memory. Amy on her wedding night. Amy awoke on 26 June , surprised and ecstatic to see her parents, but could not figure out why. She was married to the restored human Rory Williams that day.

At the reception, Amy was startled by a vaguely familiar blonde woman passing the windows. She then discovered an old diary on the table in front of Rory; despite its very weathered blue cover, the pages were all blank. Rory explained a blonde woman had left it for her. Amy began to cry but could not understand why.

She looked around and noticed a man wearing a bow-tie, and another holding his trousers up with braces. Once a tear landed on the diary, she remembered what the Doctor told her while she slept that night fourteen years earlier. Embarrassing her family, she began to call out for her Raggedy Doctor. There, they bade good-bye to Leadworth and departed on another adventure: an Egyptian goddess loose on the Orient Express in space.

Amy and Rory told their friends and family that they were honeymooning in Thailand. TV : Dinosaurs on a Spaceship. Instead, they travelled through space and time. Despite the inherent inconvenience of their bunk-beds , Amy and Rory quickly conceived a child while transiting time-space, inadvertently causing a mutation in their zygote.

Amy and Rory continued their honeymoon aboard an interstellar cruise ship. While the couple engaged in role-play in their WPC and centurion uniforms, their ship almost crashed into a planet. Amy took on the role as the Ghost of Christmas Present to coax Kazran Sardick into letting the ship land safely.

After Abigail Pettigrew and the Doctor's broken sonic screwdriver opened the planet's cloud belt to save the ship, the Doctor suggested a moon made of honey as a destination. He said there were some lovely views, but it was technically alive and slightly carnivorous. TV : A Christmas Carol. Amy flirts with her future self. TV : Time. Amy encountered a future version of herself, with whom she flirted, arousing Rory.

The Doctor used the resulting space loop to end the paradox. Amy and Rory returned to Earth sometime before the spring of As a couple, Amy and Rory were captured by Adam Mitchell and trapped with many other companions of the Doctor in Adam Mitchell's fortress.

During this ordeal, Amy and Rory briefly caught the Eleventh Doctor with a "new girl", who he introduced as Clara Oswald. After Adam thwarted the Master's plot to destroy the universe at the cost of his life, all the Doctors and their companions oversaw his memorial before taking their leave.

Amy and Rory got on with their home life, occasionally seeing what appeared to be the Doctor "waving" to them from history until they received a TARDIS blue invitation. The Doctor later said that before responding to the invitation, Amy was kidnapped by Madame Kovarian and the Church , who had found out that she was pregnant. She was replaced by a ganger duplicate to whom her mind was linked, making it seem to both her and those around her that she had not been abducted.

TV : The Impossible Astronaut. Amy and the others stayed back at the Doctor's orders, as a younger version of River hidden inside an astronaut suit shot the Doctor dead, though he was actually a Teselecta double. Amy, Rory and River went to a diner to find a younger Eleventh Doctor had been invited as well. Amy persuaded him to find the younger version of Delaware in Delaware joined them to find the frightened little girl in Florida who was able to telephone Nixon wherever he was.

They discovered the Silents , who were aliens which had been ruling Earth since the Stone Age. After Amy was hypnotised by a Silent, she told the Doctor that she was pregnant, before she had even told Rory. Seeing a space suit approaching the Doctor, Amy grabbed Delaware's revolver and fired.

Inside was a little girl whom Amy was grateful for having not injured. Amy became a renegade to give the Silent a false sense of security, travelling to North Dakota, South Dakota, Washington and Idaho to find more about them. Amy and Delaware investigated a nearly abandoned orphanage in Florida which was filled with Silents. There, Amy found a photograph of herself holding a baby, in a girl's bedroom, and momentarily saw a woman with an eye-patch looking through a slot that disappeared.

When the Doctor and Rory came to find her, she had vanished, leaving a device that was supposed to be permanently bonded to her on the floor. When Amy regained consciousness, she was strapped to a table. The Silents told her she would "bring the silence". After she was rescued by Rory, the Doctor, and River, Amy informed the Doctor that she was not pregnant after all, and explained that she spoke to him first because she was worried that all of her travels would cause her baby to be born with a "time head" or other mutation, a concern the Doctor dismissed.

Nevertheless, he surreptitiously scanned her and found her pregnancy status oscillated positive and negative. TV : Day of the Moon. Landing in the 17th century , Amy helped the Doctor stop a Siren abducting the crew of Henry Avery 's pirate ship, the Fancy. While she slept aboard the Fancy , Amy awoke to notice the woman again looking through a hatch, this time looking directly at her.

The Siren was really a virtual doctor from an invisible spaceship in the same space as the Fancy. Amy saved a drowned Rory's life with CPR after he convinced her she could do it. The Fancy 's crew commandeered the spaceship to see the stars.

TV : The Doctor's Wife. A boy called Paulus ran out of a bakery, slamming straight into Amy. The Reptilodon baker falsely accused the boy of stealing a doughnut.

Paulus told Amy about a man in the back of the room, and Amy asked him to go around the back of the bakery and talk to him to find out what was going on, while Amy kept the baker busy.

Amy and Paulus pushed back the invading Reptilodons by throwing cakes at them, and blocking them with a counter until the Judoon security officers arrived. Amy became involved in a ganger revolution, helping them achieve equality despite being wary of the ganger Doctor.

During this time, Amy saw the Eyepatch Lady twice. The Doctor dismissed her as a "time memory". Amy let his impending death slip to the Doctor. After the ganger Doctor had stopped the revolution, the Doctor promised to find her and destroyed her ganger body. Amy awoke in her real body on Demons Run.

Amy entered labour with a horrified scream. Amy holds her newborn child at Demons Run. Amy named her and Rory's daughter Melody for their friend who was generally known by the nickname, Mels. Despite her marriage to Rory, Amy bestowed her maiden name, Pond on her daughter, opining that "Melody Williams" sounded like a geography teacher, whereas " Melody Pond " was the name for a superhero. In the end, she would be essentially both, albeit under a modified name. Amy told her baby that she would never be alone; Melody's father was coming for them, he would never let them down, he looked young but had lived for hundreds of years, he had a name, but the people of Earth knew him better as "the Last Centurion".

River Song appeared and showed her the prayer leaf again. The TARDIS' translation matrix back-translated Lorna's language into English, but her people had no word for "pond", as the only water in the forest was the river, and "melody" showed as "song". River Song was Melody.


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