He was the son of the king Pandu of Kuru and his first wife, Kunti, and was blessed to the couple by the god Dharma, who is often identified with the death god Yama. He was initially the king of Indraprastha and later went on to become the king of Hastinapur.
His righteousness and piety earned him the title of Dharmaraja. He has four other brothers namely Bhima, Arjuna, Nakula, and Sahdeva.
Additional Information Mahabharata is one of the two major Sanskrit epics of ancient India, the other being the Ramayana. Get Started for Free Download App. More Ancient History Questions Q1.
Which of the following river s used to flow through Magadha? Yamuna II. Ganga III. In which harappan city was cotton grown? Please log in using one of these methods to post your comment:. Email Address never made public. Follow Following. The Indian Mythology Join 69 other followers.
Sign me up. Already have a WordPress. Log in now. Loading Comments Dara Shukoh was the eldest son of Shah Jahan. Priam's eldest son was Arisbe and was turned into a diving bird. The eldest son of Cronus and Rhea is Poseidon. Zeus is the youngest. Son of Yudhisdran. Humayun was the eldest son of Emperor Babur. Babur was succeeded by Humayun in Prince Salim was the eldest son of Akbar, who succeeded him with the title Jahangir It's a family line , when the father dies , his eldest son is king , and when that son dies , his eldest son is king and so on.
Shakespeare had only one son, Hamnet Shakespeare who was perforce his eldest. Usually to the monarch's eldest son. If the monarch doesn't have a son then it goes to the eldest daughter. Hestia goddess of the hearth is both his eldest daughter, and child. His eldest son is Hades. Joseph's eldest brother was Reuben. Jahangir's eldest son Khusrau was born to him by a Hindu Rajput Princess. Though, his religion was Muslim. Jahangir was Akbar's eldest son. Humayun was the eldest son of Babur.
Log in. Study now. See Answer. Best Answer. Study guides. Hinduism 21 cards. How is the caste system related to Hinduism. What changes accompanied the formation of the Maurya civilization. What led to the formation of the Maurya civilization.