KrissKhan has created forum so we can all store our levels at least. I gradually became the mod and then admin of the forum but frankly we do nothing xD I did some personalization about the forum and KK handle some other minor issues as he is the owner Also, as YEP start to grow and some people invite other stupid people who are trolls etc.
The whole YEP world was messy. Hence, auth is introduced and I am still honored I am one of the earliest auth people. Back then you need to login to AG have auth! Things are getting better and better as more development has done about the designer and the community is getting bigger and bigger wit more people and more ideas. However, even with auth there are still problems and trollers. Kick code only reserves for limited players only 2, and not me and Auth code is also introduced only 2, one of them is me, which I always fake identity as noob and test how people treat others lol.
Things however does not go any better. So the site has moved to account version! Then it comes to a new site And I am the first moderator of the site. It feels weird at first as I normally just don't care other people as long as they do not be a total jerk. However as the community regrow at the new site things changed. Regulations and stuff has jumped on and making it like a mini-society.
More politics emerged compere to old YEP I would not say none some players hate each other and some players are total jerk and many of the major things happened after the account things happen.
Although we have protection against spammers and stuff frankly the atmosphere of the whole community changed I was the youngest and the only mod who is not an adult haha but I still manage to adapt as if I am one and deal with numerous issue. Honestly, I like the fact that I can actually become helpful and members with issues can request me for help, however I dont like being an enforcer and tell people what to do.
I was and still is kind of lenient at those times compare to all the mods. My A level exam then came and I start to quit this game. Although I come back from time to time I start to retreat from this game. And then its now Thats my most general history though Additional history may add more soon EP wars There are 2 major EP wars for those of you who don't know.
KK vs. Phoenix and Xak vs. I dont know if I should say anything about xak vs. Phoenix It all begins with 2 of them miscommunication actually and then they generally hate each other. I personally has 2 of their contact and had a quite good relationship between them KK by skype, Phoe by email Both of them wants to convience me to join their sides and my job is to become the mediator of them tries to It always akward when both of them are in a room Big thanks to Price to remaking the whole forum btw The last time I contact KK, he is quite unhappy and it seems that he take things maybe too personally.
He even blocked me in skype later after leaving some extremely negative message He even blocked Xak they were good friends as far as I know I might be wrong Thinking back, I shouldve done a better job since they both trusted me. It happens during when the YEP community decide in some way we need more people it is like 2x more vibrant but still we want more people YEP is quite public at those days mistake!
We then realize the copyright problem behind it and quickly make the site more secretive. Some people thought I suddenly hate the site and want to destroy the site though. Prodigy98 is the one who say that some people they not gonna tell her name mentioned that I really hate the site and hate everyone so that I want to destroy the site.
He invited me back to the YEP thankfully. Later, as I ask more and more people about it, the conclusion has come that AngelOfNice is the one who spread the rumor. It happens to be Phoenix's mentor haha, sorry phoe I eventually forgive her and we play together but tbh I still really hate her xD I also remember AngelOfNice always demand private conversation with Moonscream and force everybody out rudely.
The first attempt is and it is not sucessful at all because the community is too attract. I have another major break at and it is also not sucessful because of the same reason. It is about the 2 wars I mentioned before. I just being super inactive haha. I might not be in forum in the near future. Feel free to keep in touch via email Hi guys, it's been a long time I got bored today and arrived somehow on Exit Path I want to apologize to all of you for deleting forum Thing is: I've been suffering depression for the last 9 years and I found a shelter in EP and its community, and even more in YEP, where I spent literraly 3 years of my life.
I still remember the old time when there was only 5 peeps on yck's With time, some nice and great players joined YEP, and between runners, there has always been competition, egos. After a while, some people became really "agressive" with me in competitor's way and I lived it really, really bad. The peaceful place that I had found earlier was not anymore peaceful Depression in real life, no more shelter in my virtual world: I tried to kill myself twice, the "happiness" pills were not working anymore.
I'm not saying all this to complaining or trying to make some of you guilty you're not , it's just for explanation Anyways after a while, the shelter became just a place I couldn't stand anymore and I left everything, deleting the forum anger and ego, how could this people dare to change this place?!
That's it to complete what Draggie said about the "War". I didn't know it was that big, sorry for the mess ;p Phoenix: I sincerly apologize, I don't hate you. I think I've never hated you. Different skills are needed to com Complex Path Play Complex Path flash game. Complex Path is a Puzzle game to play free online Easter Path Play Easter Path flash game.
Easter Path is a Action game to play free online. Pussy Path Play Pussy Path flash game. People may also jokingly call popular players, especially ones known for being pros, "boosted" if they mess up in a livestream. This occurs when each Survivor decodes an entire cipher alone, starting from within a few seconds of spawning in the game. Typically, one of the four Survivors will kiting the Hunter see "kiting" below while their teammates "pop" the first three ciphers. If the Survivor kiting the Hunter can survive for 60 seconds, then there will only be two ciphers left to decode.
By the time the Hunter puts them in a Rocket Chair, the Rescuer Survivor can come save them while their remaining teammates work on the final ciphers. To prevent a loss, Hunters must make sure to disrupt decoding, though some Hunters are more susceptible to cipher rush than others. For example, Photographer's ability counters cipher rush, while Guard 26's lack of map control makes it difficult for him to disrupt.
This is either on the Survivor's second or third chair, depending on whether they were saved before the halfway line on their elimination progress. You can tell which teammates have been placed on a Rocket Chair at least once by looking at their icons in the top right; the ones with a reddish glow behind their name have been chaired.
If you're dead-on-chair, it's typically advised to avoid being found by the Hunter again. Even if you're the only uninjured Survivor, it might not be wise for you to rescue a teammate. It's preferable to either heal a teammate who hasn't been chaired yet, or to have a half-health Mercenary go to rescue. This is typically done by looping a Hunter in one direction for a time before suddenly switching directions and running past the Hunter. Alternately, a Survivor may simply anticipate when the Hunter is going to attack and quickly spin around to get behind the Hunter's hitbox the range in which a Hunter's attack will land.
Survivors may also juke the Hunter into hitting at an open pallet so they can stun them, or trick the Hunter by running at a pallet or window to make it look like they're going to vault. Survivors kite the Hunter by using the environment and their unique items or abilities to keep the Hunter from being able to hit them.
Smart pallet and window use are vital in kiting, as is predicting the movements of the Hunter. It's recommended that players learn how to look behind themselves while kiting, since it will provide early warning for the Hunter using their ability or charging up an attack with a longer reach. There are two types of kiting: tight-kiting and transition kiting. Tight-kiting occurs when a Survivor keeps the Hunter in a one area of the map, looping the Hunter around obstacles and juking.
Transition kiting occurs when a Survivor keeps moving through the map, never staying in one area long enough for the Hunter to catch up to them. Note that aspects of both forms of kiting are typically used together for maximum effectiveness. It is common practice to not complete the last cipher until someone has been hit or downed, as most Survivors will have the persona trait " Borrowed Time " heals 1 hit of damage when the last cipher is completed equipped.
Some Hunters play a lot using this concept, especially Smiley Face players as his Modified Drill greatly increases healing time. A second, more specific and more highly criticized meaning of slugging is when a Hunter leaves Survivors who have already used up Exit Path to bleed out while they incapacitate and slug the rest of their teammates. They may or may not come back to chair the incapacitated Survivors.
Undead is the only Hunter whose entire gameplay mechanics rely entirely on slugging to eliminate Survivors.