Why does roose bolton use leeches

Sterling, Ohio. Events will include cosplay, games, panels, fandom favorite appearances, and much more. Tickets are on sale now! Thank you, and we hope to see you there! But the way Barbrey talks about Roose, it seems to be a consistent character trait that she is used to seeing in him:. The leeching habit itself likely started as a general caution; Roose seems to be a somewhat anxious person, with a lot of his actions centered around evading risks stuff like sending out a decoy that wears his armor in aDwD , these grrm quotes [ 1 ] [ 2 ], his habit of hiding emotions which seems to have the purpose that people cant use them against him, his health-related food choices like drinking hippocras , being paranoid not to be poisoned in aDwD ….

Events like his wife Bethany dying from a fever and his son Domeric dying from a sickness of the bowels probably made his health habits more intense because they are events that happened to people close to him it might have increased his fear for himself , even resulting in what are probably adverse health effects in case of the leeching which seems to make him pale due to how excessive it is, and likely makes him lack energy which could cause his quiet voice and probably even has an influence on his mellowed behaviour.

This blog is for reblogging purposes only. Per our policy, we do not answer meta questions here. If you want your question about the series answered, we recommend that you:. His other troops are held at Harrenhal.

Roose's men remain at Harrenhal. However, when Tywin Lannister vacates the castle, Arya Stark secretly liberates the men held captive, who proceeded to take over the castle. Arya goes on to be his cupbearer under the name Nan for a brief time. Secretly, Roose plots with Tywin Lannister against his liege and executes a stunning betrayal during Edmure Tully 's marriage and personally murders Robb Stark.

Roose becomes Warden of the North, and the de jure lord of Winterfell, due to his bastard son's marriage to Jeyne Poole , who was disguised as Arya Stark. Recent blog posts Forum. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Roose Bolton. Edit source History Talk 0. Moreover he seems to anticipate that Ramsay would murder any son born of the marriage with Walda Frey.

On the other hand, Roose disparages Ramsay. He is not confident in his hability to rule the north. He professes contempt for his bastard, even doubts that Ramsay is truly his son. Roose's political analysis of the situation in the north seems to leave little hope for Ramsay to prevail. In Winterfell, Roose and Ramsay don't seem to talk to each other. We are going to have a precise look at several aspects of those two contradictory tendencies.

The first of those is political. Who will inherit the Dreadfort?


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