Why sith are stronger than jedi

Most of the characters mentioned in this thread are EU characters, thereby not canon. And as far as inventing the forms Without NG, the fights in the movies, would be nowhere near as good, and he choreographed the fights with his own knowledge and skill, so more than likely, he created the fights, and their styles, ensuring that each character keeps the same style thru the entire fight. But that statement was included on the movie extras, so couldn't that be considered canon in and of itself?

Being as its with the movie? Point being, Anakin surpassed OB1 in saber skills when he joined the darkside. I think that speaks for something. Gamblor Alot of people don't like Nick Gilliard because he said Anakin was a tier above Obi-Wan, even when a blinded Anakin, overwhelmed by grief and clearly lacking control manages to keep Obi-Wan on the defensive until he's forced to take advantage of Anakin's arrogance.

We can't say that Anakin was Obi Wan's superiour in dueling skill just because of the reason Obi was on the defensive. Its Soresu versus Shien, of course Obi was on the defensive. Darth Vious Originally posted by Darth Subjekt Well i was just watching the bonus disc of Ep3 the part thats about the stunts, "its all real". I would take that as a reference to the power of the person, not their skill level. As for Sith not being able to control their emotions If you read Darth Maul : Shadow Hunter, it shows many a time how someone can control and focus their emotions and feelings in order to increase their power.

The problem is that Anakin has poor self-control and few social skills, Palpatine, on the other hand, is a prime example of how a Sith Lord can have perfect control over themself.

Darth Subjekt Originally posted by zephiel7 Which is precisely why da lil' Ani got his torso caught off! But how defensive was it when Anakin was laying on the table, unarmed, and OB1 tried to hit him in the head with a saber blow?

The only reason Anakin wasn't murdered is because he could get his saber in time to block. And he was only defensive in that fight. He sure as hell wasn't too defensive against Maul. And look what happened, he almost died, but he benefited from Maul's arrogance.

He could have killed him easily while he was hanging there. So he wasn't to in control of himself there. If he was smart and not so arrogant, he would have lopped of OB1's hands and sent him falling to his death. Oh and for the record, Ani didn't get his torso cut off, he got his arm and legs cut off. In the third movie. Even if Anakin defended against Obi's blow, it doesn't mean that he is Obi's superiour.

Obi was still a padawan at the time, and not really a master of Soresu. After watching Qui gon die, I think that was the point when he began to perfect his skill in Soresu. He still got PWNT royally. Darth Subjekt how did he get pwnt royally? He was in control of the entire fight until he got stupid and decided to jump really close to OB1, who got a lucky hit.

All he did was put his lightsaber in the air. If Anakin had been thinking which the darkside tends not to help with he could have beaten OB1. Darth Traya In control?

Obi-Wan uses a passive form, designed for defence. Anakin uses an agressive form, designed for offence. It would make far less sense if Kenobi did not start to backpeddle away from Skywalker Master Mawi Personally I think the Sith are moer powerful than the Jedi because they don't give a damn about what they do, they just go ahead and cutting themselves free to "what horrible things one could imagine".

They let themselves be emotional and use the Force to the full extent to complete what they want. For the Jedi, they refrain from doing all that is evil and rely on the Force to help augment their skill and power to do the "right thing". SO I think the Sith are more powerful. At that point in his life, Obi-Wan knew nothing about Soresu. His style when fighting Maul was Ataro. He switched to learning Soresu after Qui-Gon's death.

Shouldn't Jedi be better duelists than Sith? If you consider what the Sith and Jedi rely on. They should and in general, your average Sith is weaker than your average Jedi, however, when it comes to terms as the greatest of both Sides, the Jedi are usaully overpowered in terms of lightsaber combat and force skills. To be fair, the Jedi are alot more patient than the Sith. The Sith usually destroy themselves.

Yes, the Sith are supposed to be stronger then Jedi. In the Movies era, half of the Sith Lords died from a Jedi. Neither side is stronger than the other.

Wesker I thought you were leaving? Originally posted by Illustrious Neither side is stronger than the other. Originally posted by zephiel7 Canonically though, Revan turned to the light. Originally posted by Wesker Even if Revan did turn and remain a jedi and become uber as shit, it would be the exception rather than the rule.

Originally posted by ESB - That's saying far too much. You also have to think about this Say what you likw about Qui-Gon, but the fact is that Nick Gilliard intended him and maul to be even and the original sequence which had Qui-Gon knock Maul off of the ramp onto the Naboo ship was a part where QGJ get's the better of Maul.

Hardly a fair comparison seeing as Palpatine is King Uber Sith. Originally posted by Ushgarak Say what you likw about Qui-Gon, but the fact is that Nick Gilliard intended him and maul to be even and the original sequence which had Qui-Gon knock Maul off of the ramp onto the Naboo ship was a part where QGJ get's the better of Maul.

First of all Good logic Originally posted by Ushgarak Again Most popular times? Originally posted by Ushgarak First of all In a real fight, the blow to the face should not have stunned him as much as it did and prevented him from blocking the thrust even if it was with a wild swing.

Regardless of how fast it was -meant- to look, it really isn't that fast. Revan was a powerful Jedi but fell to the darkside. Originally posted by zephiel7 Revan was a powerful Jedi but fell to the darkside. But didn't Revan recover his memory at that point?

Originally posted by zephiel7 But didn't Revan recover his memory at that point? Actually, Kavar put up a good fight with Malak and even cut off his jaw, didn't he? Originally posted by Gamblor Actually, Kavar put up a good fight with Malak and even cut off his jaw, didn't he? Except Malak, is a rather pathetic and weak Dark Lord, he failed to defeat a memory wiped Revan upon the Star Forge where he had every advantage, and he is certianly not in the top Well i was just watching the bonus disc of Ep3 the part thats about the stunts, "its all real".

Nick can hardly be called a Canon source Originally posted by w00t Except Malak, is a rather pathetic and weak Dark Lord, he failed to defeat a memory wiped Revan upon the Star Forge where he had every advantage, and he is certianly not in the top 20 How is Malak a "pathetic and weak Dark Lord"?

Well Nick Gillard is an expert in the art of sword fighting. Malak compared to any Dark Lord except Vader is weak and "pathetic. Originally posted by zod69 Well Nick Gillard is an expert in the art of sword fighting. However he is still an expert on sword fighting and would likely be able to interpret them better thab the average KMC member. Originally posted by zod However he is still an expert on sword fighting and would likely be able to interpret them better thab the average KMC member.

Zod aka Numan, here is advice 1 try to come up with debatable and worthwhile points 2 learn to not insult your elders, particular when you're disobeying a rule by being younger and entering this forum 3 try to make aliases that are believeable. Maybe you should follow your own advice woot. Originally posted by Fishy Nick can hardly be called a Canon source Alot of people don't like Nick Gilliard because he said Anakin was a tier above Obi-Wan, even when a blinded Anakin, overwhelmed by grief and clearly lacking control manages to keep Obi-Wan on the defensive until he's forced to take advantage of Anakin's arrogance.

The Sith have evolved a lot in their wars against the Jedi, going from a power trying to conquer the galaxy by force to one that operated from the shadows, creating a vast network with specific goals in mind- overthrowing the Jedi and taking over the Republic. They learned from their mistakes over the years, something the Jedi seem completely incapable of.

The Jedi's place in the Republic is pretty unassailable and this feeling of security has made it so they never have to take a good hard look at what they're doing and change it. The Sith have had to do this a lot over the years and it led them to victory over a Jedi Order that was still trying to fight them the way they always have. The Sith are classic underdogs; the Jedi Order has all of the power- a massive temple, government money, and fame.

The Jedi are known as guardians of good throughout the galaxy. The Sith don't have any of that, especially during the Rule of Two years- they only have what resources they have or can get their hands on, little infrastructure, and those who have heard of them see them as the ultimate bad guys.

However, they never quit or give up, never get into a moral quandary about what they're doing, and don't let their casualties and losses stop them. The Sith never stop; they never sit on their laurels and debate what their next move should be, they just keep going on. The Force is a formidable ally to all who use it, giving them powers that allow them to do all kinds of amazing feats.

While the Jedi do some amazing things with the Force, they also hold themselves back a lot and their powers are merely okay. They're limited by what their morality allows them to do.

Sith don't have such limits and have used the Force in some truly phenomenal ways. Force lightning is a great long-range weapon that can incapacitate or kill opponents, protecting the user and whoever they're with. The Force choke is the logical extension of telekinesis and is another power that can stop fights before they happen. Also, the Sith's mind powers are much stronger, allowing them to dominate their foes' minds. The Jedi Order's biggest mistake in the years leading up to their demise was their treatment of Anakin Skywalker.

Instead of focusing all of their attention on him, they foisted him off on a newly minted Jedi Knight and constantly devalued him and his accomplishments.

This made it easy for Palpatine to swoop in and plant the seeds of the dark side in his mind. The Sith are all about seeing potential and letting it grow into something that they can use. The Sith can only depend on themselves, so they must seek out the best and allow that talent to flourish, gaining powerful new adherents who can challenge the monolithic Jedi Order. What might be most remarkable about Darth Sidious is how he was able to take control of the galaxy while operating to some extent in plain sight.

Known as Senator Palpatine of Naboo before rising to become Supreme Chancellor and finally Emperor, the power that Sidious wields is largely derived by his ability to control those around him. Seldom is this fact more obvious than when one considers Vader, who is manipulated by Palpatine at every turn -- including through the tragedy of Darth Plagueis, the story that Sidious uses to render the Dark Side absolutely irresistible to a susceptible young Anakin.

Kanan is not technically a Jedi, having been only a Padawan when Order 66 was executed. Thanks to the sacrifice of his Jedi Master, Kanan survived the eradication of Jedi across the galaxy. After operating as a criminal for many years, Kanan joined a rebel cell lead by Hera Syndulla, and the two became lovers. However, unlike Vader, who must resort to technology to repair his wounds, Kanan is able to use the Force to regain his sight, a powerful accomplishment Vader cannot replicate.

Fisto was especially adept at dueling, earning the respect of fellow council member Mace Windu, who regarded him as one of the most skilled lightsaber users within the Jedi Order. Perhaps Fisto's most impressive feat was his duel against General Grievous, the cybernetic commander of the Separatist forces who wields four of the laser swords at once.

Not only did Fisto survive the duel, he had the upper hand, suggesting an acumen at handling the lightsaber which Vader could never approach.

Alas, he did not replicate the same success when he was felled by Sidious. It was here that she met Jacen Solo, with whom she would become entangled in a life-long romance -- as most Star Wars fans will tell you, that is often the beginning of the end for Jedi. However, despite many trials, including the loss of her arm, Tenel Ka remained righteous.

While she did later leave the Jedi Order, it was because she had to fulfill her duties as Queen Mother. Her resilience and endurance embody a power that could not be matched by Vader. Plo Koon was considered to be one of the wisest members of the Jedi Council. His calm demeanor, even in the face of extreme situations, was widely admired by those who served alongside him in the Jedi and elsewhere.

Plo discovered the young Force-user Ahsoka Tano and brought her into the Jedi Order, which would lead to her becoming Anakin's Padawan. While Plo is defeated by the soldiers meant to protect him as a result of the traitorous Order 66, the effect his actions have on the Jedi Order and Anakin personally demonstrate a certain power that supersedes Vader's own. Despite being defeated by Darth Maul, the late Qui-Gon was able to communicate with Yoda and pass on the ability to become one with the Force.

Qui-Gon was able to contribute a new method of using the Force to the understanding of the Jedi, which demonstrates a type of power that Vader, who does not contribute any novel techniques to the Jedi or Sith, cannot match.

However, at the end of Return of the Jedi , Vader -- or rather, Anakin -- does take advantage of the skill pioneered by Qui-Gon when he appears alongside Obi-Wan and Yoda. Originally a servant of the Emperor, after his defeat on the Second Death Star, Mara Jade was plagued by a final telepathic message from Palpatine: avenge him! Despite the danger to himself, Luke vowed to help Mara Jade break the psychic control the Emperor still had over her.

However, Mara Jade was able to free herself from the lingering power of the Emperor by accomplishing a feat Vader could never manage: defeating Luke in a lightsaber duel!

When they face one another on the Death Star, Obi-Wan warns Vader that if his former apprentice strikes him down, he will become more powerful than he can imagine. Vader stays true to the character of their decades-long relationship, ignoring Obi-Wan's warning and doing as he intended from the start. It is a surprise, but a welcome one, that Obi-Wan's prediction proves to be true, and Vader's action allows Kenobi to guide Luke more closely than he might have otherwise been able, ultimately leading to the collapse of the Empire.


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