First, tear the paper into long strips. These strips should be roughly one to two inches wide. You should avoid using scissors to cut these strips. Torn edges work better for paper mache than cut edges. This can be done in various ways. To make a glue mixture , add two parts white glue to about one part water and mix them together. You can alter the quantities or the ratio of the glue to water to better suit the size of your project or if you have a stronger glue.
You can also use a flour mixture for small projects. Wallpaper powder can also be used to make paste for paper mache.
Two parts wallpaper powder mixed with one part water will create an ideal paste that will last for a long time. Of course, there are other ways to make paper mache paste for your projects. You can do a bit of research until you find what works best for you.
However, making the paste yourself is a lot of fun and is part of the creative process. Do this until the paste forms a smooth consistency. If your mixture turns out to be too thin, add more glue, flour, or wallpaper powder to thicken it up. Next, dip one paper strip into the paste. Make sure that the strip is saturated. Then, remove the strip and while holding it over the bowl, squeeze out excess paste by running it lightly through your fingers.
Now, place the strip over the surface of your base structure and smooth it out with your fingers. To get a smooth surface for painting, make sure to get rid of as many creases and bumps as you can.
Continue laying the strips until the entire surface of your base structure is covered. The strips should overlap and run in different directions. It may take up to 24 hours to do so. Next, apply another layer of saturated paper strips and let it dry. Continue doing this until you get the desired look. Make sure to let each layer dry completely before applying the next. Ideally, you should have at least three layers of paper strips.
What, though, if you want to add small details to your project? Say, for example, you want to create a face? Well, a quick and easy approach you could use would be to bunch up a strip into a form you want, place it on your base surface, and then lay another strip on top to smooth it out. Using this method, you can add volume and texture to your paper mache. This pulp can be used like clay to sculpt fine details and intricacies onto your project.
Paper mache pulp can be prepared using various recipes. This is especially important if you want to paint or decorate your work with lighter colors. You could also apply a good paint primer or a layer of white acrylic paint before applying your decorative paint. The eggs are beautiful and add a quirky flash of color to our kitchen table! I purchased paper mache eggs from a local craft store. Decoupage in kid terms, slathering glue and paper together is a forgiving technique for little ones and you can bet it has potential to turn into a sticky, colorful mess.
Using the brush, spread a small amount of Mod Podge onto an egg. Place a piece of tissue paper or newspaper over the glue and press it down with the brush. Continue working this way until the entire egg is covered in paper. Place the eggs on a parchment lined cookie rack or plastic plate to dry. We enjoyed a classic Easter Egg Hunt at home with our paper mache eggs. They were easy to spot in the shades of grey and brown that currently are our yard!
Since these eggs are not breakable, they would also be awesome for egg toss and egg and spoon races! Make sure you are tearing with the grain. The width of your strips will depend somewhat on what are working on. For detailed areas, you want thin strips, for large uncomplicated areas, you can use wider strips. Using paper mache and strips to cast over objects that will later be removed is something you could do with either flour or glue paste, but as glue paste creates a slightly stronger structure, it is sometimes a better material for this technique.
When the object you are casting over needs to be removed later, and isn't diposable, you have to prepare it before you can apply paper mache, especially if you are using glue, which is stickier than flour. An easy way to prep objects is to cover them with plastic wrap. Depending on how complex your object is, you might want to use more than one layer of plastic wrap. More layers will make the paper easier to remove from detailed or concave areas. Tape the edges of the plastic wrap down to hold it in place, but It's ok if the plastic wrap is a little loose around the object.
Another thing you need to think about is how you are going to get the object out later. For example, if you are using a plastic yogurt container and only planning to cover the sides and bottom you will probably be able to remove it pretty easily later without cutting into the paper. But if you are casting all the way around an object, or onto something that has undercuts, you will have to cut the paper later to remove it.
This is ok, because you can glue it back together and hide the seams with more paper mache. But think about how you are going to have to cut it before you start.
To make a glue paste, simply pour some white glue or wood glue into a mixing bowl and dilute with just enough water so the glue gets a bit less sticky and can soak more easily into the paper. I usually use around a ratio. Stir thoroughly until the glue and water are mixed together. There are a few variations in technique for applying paper strips to a project. You can experiment to see which method works best for you.
When you are working with a solid armature like the dishes we are using here, a good method is to first dip your hands in the paste and spread paste all over the base.
Then apply dry strips onto this wet surface, smearing more paste over the top of each strip as you add them, and adding more strips overlapping the first. Or, you can try dipping your paper in the glue mixture and then applying it. You can even dip several layers of strips at once, separating the layers a little in the mixture so they all get covered in glue.
Then apply the strip or stack of strips to your surface, angling the strips so they contour to the shape of the form. Smooth them down as you go to create an even surface. Apply one layer of overlapping strips over your entire project before you start adding another layer.
Glue strips can be slightly more slippery than flour strips, so it sometimes takes a little finesse to get them to stick to each other smoothly. If the multi-layer method isn't working for you, you can always just use single layers. When you add the second layer, you can give your project more strength by applying these strips perpendicular to the ones below, and switching back and forth with each layer.
If you are using stacked strips, you can build up a thick shell of paper fairly fast, about layers of paper total so about stacked layers will give you a strong structure. When you create your last layer though, you should go back to using only a single layer so the outside of your shape is smooth.