This reading Literature and Ideology by James T. Farrell raises many question about literature, ideology, democracy, politics, relationship among them and with the society.
This reading also explains how the literature helped shape the societies and influenced people and the states. Farrell believes that meaningful literature always played vital role to highlight the real face of society, to put the problems in front of people and to cure the soul by giving enlightening the minds of people. Literature writers should always be free to think and to write.
Literature is a collected body of written works that includes not only religious texts and bulky novels, but also plays, poetry and short stories, all of which reflect the authors perceptions of society and the human condition at the period in history when the works were written. As such, literature represents a living body of work that speaks to humans of all ages about concepts that are of importance to understanding the condition of humans in relationship to the ever shifting social mores of a given society at some point in that societies routine life.
This will of necessity change depending on various socioeconomic circumstances, and the morality of a given society. Many myths are found in one form or another throughout world culture. Some common themes include love, hate, wealth, power, sex, greed, life, death religion, and morality. These concerns often form the highest themes of literature.
In the past couple of decades, the literature on Partition have opened many doors to the people to look at the other side of the image. It broke plenty of understandings, myths and misconceptions about the mass migrations of people. These writings helped create hate among India and Pakistan specially among the common people.
At that time very few free thinkers tried to write about this specific event by giving the space to look at the other side of the image. All of these thinkers and writers had to face the wrath of state. But writers like Pippa Virdee, Urvushi Bhutalia, Ayesha Jalal, Ishtiaq Ahmed and many other writers wrote about the common people without the influence of state.
This all literature produced in later years created a healthy and tolerant space for common people where they looked at this specific event in different shades. Literature is a more general term that includes not only published studies, but also other things like abstract theoretical discussions, opinions, policy statements by government or other agencies, etc.
Related literature and studies help the researcher understand his topic better because it may clarify vague points about his problem. It also guides the researcher in making comparisons between his findings with the findings of other similar studies. So it is necessary that the related materials should have true value.
Related literature is composed of discussions of facts and principles to which the present study is related. The materials are usually printed and found in books, encyclopedias, professional journals, magazines, newspapers, and other publications.
The purpose of a literature review is to gain an understanding of the existing research and debates relevant to a particular topic or area of study, and to present that knowledge in the form of a written report. Conducting a literature review helps you build your knowledge in your field.
It shows the originality and relevance of your research problem. Specifically, your research is different from other statisticians. It justifies your proposed methodology. Begin typing your search term above and press enter to search. Press ESC to cancel. Skip to content Home Essay How does literature reflect our daily lives?
Ben Davis May 6, How does literature reflect our daily lives? How does literature teach us about life? Why do we say that literature is life? What is the role of literature? What is the importance of literature to students? About author : Joan Young is an aspiring journalist and copywriter with deep interest in sociology, inventions and technological progress.
In a spare from traveling minute, she provides online tutoring sessions to international students and finds immense pleasure in witnessing their writing progress. You can easily contact the author here. Image by Nick Magwood from Pixabay Editor's Note: Is there a possible link between extraterrestrial alien encounters and the sort of. In his new book, Person of Interest, J.
Warner Wallace maintains that science, the arts, literature and culture have roots. Many Bible believes are asking if proposed travel regulations will usher in the pernicious Mark of the Beast. Image by. War horses were once kept at the ancient stable at Megiddo. According to Bible prophecy, in the End Times two.
Saturday 13 Nov Literature is a reflection of society, and similarly, organization mirrors writing. Literature Provides the Big Picture Whereas the individual lives on a linear timeline and is locked in the present, research provides us with a timeless perspective. The Future of Literature Over the past few years, we have seen significant innovation in the field of technology.
About the author Joan Young is an aspiring journalist and copywriter with deep interest in sociology, inventions and technological progress. Contact the author. Related Posts.
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