How long guitar

Hey there! I always share things like this with the visitors of my website Keep on bringing us cool blogs like this cheers! I found this blog heaps helpful to realize achievable goals in guitar playing and will absolutely share this with my friends and followers on facebook. U just gave me the motivation I needed.. Could u suggest me 1?

Its a mammoth question. Basically you never stop learning,but i always set myself the goal of 2 years or hours to get to where i wanted to be,whichever came first.

Everyone is different and people pick up things at their own speed. Its a very subjective question but the above was always my first goal. You certainly do not need a teacher for electric guitar,in fact some of the best and most famous guitar players on the planet have never had a professional lesson in their lives and are completely self taught.

Another advantage of this is you develop your own style. All this theory about which finger goes where and what does what can send you mad when you start off. The secret if you genuinely want to learn is stick at. The first few months are tedious and very monotonous but gradually things improve if you keep going. I have heard from so many people who have given up after the first month because they cannot play their favourite guitar riff yet.

Put quite simply it takes hundreds and hundreds of hours,but believe me when you can go to your bedroom or other learning area and pick up your guitar and play the solo to Hotel California by the Eagles for example my God you will be glad you stuck at it. This is a good life lesson in general. Those who studied every day, and not just near test time, are the ones who always did best regardless of natural ability.

I imagine this is true in any endeavor. Thanks for the time frame about when we could expect to play what types of songs. I used to be a decent violinist, but lost interest decades ago. Now, my teenage son joined a rock band and spends 2 hours a day practicing guitar and an hour a day practicing drum. He has stirred the inner musician in me to take up the guitar late in life. As you already know, it really comes down to how much time and effort you put into it.

Hi Smruti, no 1 month is not enough for much. Thanks for the amazing article, I was curious about this question from the first day I started my music lesson. But my teacher told me to have some patience, and first strengthen your base.

Because having a firm base will surely help in long run. Hi i am a beginner and just got my guitar how long will it take to learn the basics.

Hi, as you can see above, if you practice regularly, you will make steady progress. Exactly how long depends on your abilities as well, but mostly on how much you practice. A personal teacher is always a good idea, but you can learn the basics online as well.

Just make sure you follow a single course, not jump all over the place in between websites. Sir , along with guitar I i want to develop my vocal skills also …sir give me some tips so that I can develop my vocal skills along with guitar …..

There is a site called JamPlay which has singing lessons for guitar players, here is a free signup page , check it out. Sir ,many people say that it is impossible to learn playing guitar without going to classes … Sir is it true …?? Later on, when you get better, playing with outers will become important, but you can definitely learn online, without a live teacher or having to go to classes.

Sir , I an engineering student 2nd sem. My dream is to learn and play guitar …I want to go for guitar classes but I dont want to leave studies …sir please suggest , can I learn guitar along with my studies …?? Hi there, well, I always say that you can make time for things that are important to you. If you can free up 1 hour of your day for the guitar, than yes, you can learn alongside your studies.

Waant to learn the classical method of guitar but having trouble finding a suitable teacher so am looking at you all. Also a site? What can you suggest? Hi My son is studying Performing Arts Level 2 but his sudden interest the last few weeks is playing base guitar…he has never played any instrument before…but he is very keen about music.

He is 17 and half and he seems very keen to want to learn. What direction do you think he should take in his studies or not necessarily…? I can play Stairway to Heaven now. I have been playing for 8 months now,practise everyday anything from 2 to 4 hours each day. There are no short cuts as far as I can see other than the dedication and discipline needed to put time aside each day to learn. Loads and loads of repetition.

Iam reaping the rewards now as I am building up a catalogue of nice varied tunes from hard rock to gentle ballads. When you first start,apart from the pain to your hands,you feel you will never memerise the notes needed in each song,and it can take weeks to remember even basic stuff.

After a few months things start to gel,your playing improves almost overnight and your brain starts to learn things much quicker and you begin playing almost on auto pilot.

Just stick with it and remember to practise as much as you can and you will be rewarded. Richard, thanks for you comment and story, I hope it helps everyone see that practicing diligently is the way forward in guitar. This is not always true. I have been trying to play for 30 years. You have really oversimplified playing the guitar and the learning process.

Hmm, try Rocksmith out? It could have been your teachers or yourself holding you back. I really wanna learn to play guitar…. How many hours do u suggest me to practice a day?

In the article, I speak about steel string acoustic guitars though, not nylon string classical guitars. Hi, like your site. I will let you know how I do. I am giving myself a good year to really get my finger on the fretboard to be good to acceptable. I practice about 2 hours day, everyday. Being an older student, I will let you know how I do. I played guitar since then stopped after I was put down by my father. So I put my guitar down for a while. Since I quit my job I might as well practice for 5 hours a day.

Plus its such a good medicine for my depression. Well i truly agreed with above article, but mind it it requires concentration , passion , dedication , i learnt guitar guitar in 6 months as as intermediate level player but i use to give 6 hours and believe me , more you practice more you want to play , i have 6 guitars , but still i can play any song but i belive i only know.

So there you have it, the more you practice, the quicker the process is. Thanks for your comment! Great information and it is exciting to have found this site,I really enjoyed … Thank you again. Sure, people can feel inspired by this. But your ability to play the guitar is based on how much you practice and your level of commitment.

He ended up going to Berklee, which probably happened 5 or 6 years after he started playing. The music I listen to is post-hardcore and screamo, so how long will it take to learn rock music, my friends think it wont take long but i know it will, this helped alot thanks.

I once did guitar when was younger but quite because it was to hard, now im starting again bc I just feel the passion to play again but im just scared it might take to long. But thanks for the artical it helped alot. Just remember, it takes regular practice and devotion, that is the only secret. Little ahead of schedule. Learned Barre chords before Arpeggios. Progressing nicely. Very persistent with my Practice.

Nice article and I am sensing it does take time. Hope to get into theory soon. After 3 lessons and daily practice the fingers have stopped hurting , my fingers now go to places on the fret that was impossible a couple of weeks ago. The joy of stumbling through a 12 ar blues shuffle when your teacher joins in with the lead…Priceless Its never too late and I really do not care how long iit takes Many Thanks Birmingham UK.

This is something I get asked so much and I have found my response is never a quick one! It is so much in relation to the students desire, their dedication and ability to deal with the frustration of hitting the ruts.

Lessons inspire and guide you but it is all about those 6 days in between! I feel really sheepish and silly even commenting here but also that I have the right. I had a great 4th gr. It is like vapor that soothes and excites all at the same time. I think this may be because there are fundamentally different ways of understanding music. Teach myself guitar. My playing is all emotion …it took SEVEN long years and YES it was on and off as I had a life and not all the time in the world to devote to guitar but in the end …I can play tons of stuff with just the letter chord over a lyric.

My singing and self accompanied guitar makes me really happy…and for the only time ever in my life as though I was allowed in what always felt a snooty piece-of-spoiled-dog-feces country club for little mostly boy monster brats. To them I decree…there is a Shiny Yearning Love that blesses some souls, who, though often banished, are self taught and learned and can see through the likes of you…. Great Answer…. I resigned my job to learn guitar seriously. Everything…and I do mean everything I learned in 55 years of playing 9 musical instruments at the same time… still makes me think I know nothing and have a burning passion to improve on all of them.

Thanks for the enjoyable article and comments everyone. At first I was excited because i was noticing that i was learning and was able to play chords with no problem…as i was progressing i started to listen to a few great guitar players like Joe Satriani, Steve Vai, Yngwie Malmsteem, and more and then i felt like I hit a wall.

I have had two rounds of rehearsing guitar over the past two years. I first practised first for two weeks no teacher, just alone and I did learn regular easy chords c,D,Em,E,A… then I didnt play in about a year and a half, and then started again. Then I learnd both barre, and tabs in about four weeks I am now during the 4th one. But only 6 weeks of good practise.

Am I a quick learner? Learning to play was one of the best skills I ever learned. It helps to be creative and have a lifelong passion for Guitar itself. I entirely agree lessons are the best way to learn, as there are progressions and timetables that will almost always otherwise be left unserved. Personally I pick up things pretty fast, and could play most songs on the radio after 8 months.

Best advice I can offer is learn on the best guitar yiu can get your hands on, practice and play more than an hour a day. It flies by when playing to the radio. Also really great to play with friends, as you can help each other get better at it and find goals and progress levels to strive for. And most importantly, play because you really love to. This was a great article, so thank you for that.

Unfortunately, I cannot play it yet. I have zero experience which leads me to my 1st question:. I have heard that if I can learn on a 12 string, that a 6 string will be easy, but not vise versa. I am most interested in playing as a lifetime hobby but I do want to learn quickly and I want to go with the best option for variety of songs. Second Question s : How often should I take lessons? How long should each lesson be? How long should I practice to get optimal results without burning out the passion?

I just want to start off right. Thank you all for any advise you provide. There is only one thing I would add that you hinted at. The timeline is based on practicing where learning of new techniques is the goal. This is especially true with guitar players who sing or play liturgical music. Also, I would add the same as others. Lessons are a necessity both because they push new techniques versus ones already learned, make deadlines for learning those techniques, and provide an independent verification of progressing.

What a great explanation! Cool article! Have you continued to play the guitar 10 years later. If you have, how much better have you gotten? Hi, This is nice and practical….. Your email address will not be published.

Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Teach yourself guitar Jamplay review GuitarTricks review Best online guitar lessons. For example, songs requiring easier hammer-ons, pull-offs, and other easier lead guitar techniques. Almost intermediate 1 year Play intermediate-level songs, including many very popular guitar songs, riffs, blues, and so on.

You will probably start getting a more definitive feel for barre chords at around this time as well. Intermediate 2 years If you practice enough, you could be playing most songs in 2 years. Of course, you'll need to practice them before you can actually play them, but learning a song at this stage is very quick, as you'll have mastered most technical elements already.

Intermediate plus years If you learned guitar theory during your guitar journey, you'll be able to improvise on the guitar as well. Advanced years You can call yourself an advanced guitarist, you'll be able to play anything you want. Rockstar 10 years You'll realize how much you don't know yet, and want to learn even more. Your guitar collection will reach a yearly average of guitars. Out of your 20 guitars, you only play 3, your favorite ones. Hours practiced per day Playing level 0.

This has always been like this and always will be. If you ever get discouraged, remember this If you ever get discouraged or stuck at any given point, remember: Even the best guitar players were beginners at one time.

A pretty good trade-off, in my opinion! They were either: Practicing the wrong things or not practicing enough. Don't get me wrong, though. Now, if you're thinking about learning guitar: Check out these guitar books for beginners , or better yet, these 2 awesome video guitar lesson sites.

How about you? Thank you for writing it. Mark Reply. Tom Reply. Do your think the Yousician app is a good way to start learning? Not really. It is good as a practice tool, but not as your primary lesson plan. Hope this helps Reply. Love this sport! You are very welcome, keep at it! Stop watching tv! Play the instrument… job done Reply. Yes, you have to keep your expectations real.

You just slapped me in the damn face! What a perfect time to practice. Just solved my problem. Thanks for sharing. It was useful. How many hours each day should be spent practicing? I just bought my guitar a week ago and practicing 1 hour a day Reply. Hi, I love this article. This article is so helpful, Tom. Thank you! This is an excellent article Tom! J Reply. That seems about right. Keep it up, and remember to use the things you learn to play real songs.

Thank you. I really hope you can help me! I hope this made sense Thank You Reply. It takes days to get to the level of holding just the guitar. Let alone play it. They also made noises and had trouble changing between chords. But instead of giving up the guitar, they took the music learning process more seriously. That is why they now stand at the top of the world when it comes to guitar playing. Because they spend hours upon hours of their life just learning one thing that they love.

It is all about the passion that drives the interest in anything you do in life. Shifting between one instrument to another would hurt the inner potential. All the professionals in the guitar world love playing the guitar more than anything else. They spend their life learning and improving their skill on the guitar to get to the next level in life.

Practice is the key to success, a simple message that carries a great value in everything you do in life. The message translates really well in the musical world. Most guitar players give up even after spending hours upon hours on practice. These two are the key reasons why newbies give up the idea of playing the guitar and move on to something new.

Being completely new to guitar playing will have its fair share of difficulties. Watching random videos is a great way to get into music and the newbie will learn plenty of easy music from watching these videos. But when it comes to learning, they will not provide anything useful.

The videos on Youtube have no sense of direction on where to go and what to do after the step. They are just there to teach the newcomers the song and move on to the other. When a fresher to the music world watches these videos the only thing you are learning is a few patterns.

Jumping from one video to the next is a waste of time when it comes to learning the guitar. The proper way to learn guitar playing is to learn from the right people.

Only an effective guide or string of videos that cover all the basic, intermediate, advanced lessons will take a fresher in the music world to the highest point in the guitar world. This promising and comprehensive training has the potential to turn a new player into an advanced guitar player, learn more by clicking here. A proper guitar play requires the person to go through all the basic steps then eventually move into the advanced zone.

Youtube videos are great at providing the hook to grab into the guitar world but they will not cover the basic step process. Having a guide is important for the guitar lesson. As it will teach the player to track what they learned and the steps to improve upon them.

Knowing the route will help the player to keep track of the progress. For new players, the process can get very difficult if they pick up the lesson in the middle. They will need a solid structure to give a better foundation to their skill. Lessons are important but it needs to cover all the basic steps for a newcomer. We cover the basics and advanced steps to cover your guitar skill process and hone your skills to take it to the next level.

We will direct newcomers in the direction they need and the knowledge for everyday practice, so each day they will pick up something new that will keep them engaged with the instrument instead of creating any negative mentality. Direction is the element that is crucial in the newbie lessons. Then anyone will never be able to understand the intensity in the lessons or anything that needs to be followed to get to the next stage.

Make sure to check these beginner-friendly guitar lessons that have the potential to turn many new players into professional players. It requires passion and desire for playing an instrument in order to have fun applying it. Forcing yourself up for something will never amount to total enjoyment. Which will have a bad effect on the music process. As the player will have a tougher time getting the emotion of their soul into music. Putting hours every single day learning the ABC of the guitar is a better approach before taking a look at the advanced menu.

It is rather important for the player to cover the basics so they will have a far easier time learning the complexity of advanced movies and techniques that will help you create better music. All of that is only possible if the player spends their time learning the basics. Each string on the guitar tells its own music, learning about each fret and how the music sounds on each one of them to make a coherent sense of the guitar playing.

Some people are self-taught and they take the lesson process very slowly. They spend an enormous amount of time on the music system of guitar and how they can make music from one chord to another or from one tab to another. Think of guitar as a large puzzle, every single day the player is solving a tiny fraction of the puzzle.

The more time a person spends on guitar learning, the better the piece of the puzzle they will be able to arrange. The time it takes for anyone to learn to play guitar is completely dependent on the person who is playing it. Your musical journey is long and has lots of fun twists and turns. Once you set your guitar goals, be sure to work backwards from that step to the smallest, easiest step.

For example, most songs follow a similar format: intro, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, verse, pre-chorus, chorus, bridge, verse, chorus, and outro. This would change your goal from learning the whole song at once to learning a section at a time.

Keep challenging yourself. While it might be fun to just learn a handful of songs and move on, your skills will improve every time you stretch your limits. Join over , other guitar learners and subscribe to our guitar-tips-by-email service.

It's free. We'll send you a series of lessons that will move you to the next level of your guitar journey. Learn how everything fits together quickly, easily and effectively. We share ninja tips for instant fun! How To Strum A Guitar. How To Play Lead Guitar. Visit our YouTube channel for fun guitar videos. Join us on Facebook for daily guitar tips. Listen to our Learn Guitar Podcast for rapid guitar progress. Check out our free chord lessons. We use music to spread joy and reduce suffering.

If you want more fun, relaxation and creativity in your life, you'll enjoy our guitar courses.


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