Cucumber plants Latin name cucumis sativus are members of the gourd family, which are together also known as cucurbitaceae. Similar to the cucumber, zucchini is also cylindrical, dark green on the outside, and pale on the inside.
The zucchini plant is also a type of gourd, but of the species cucurbita pepo —the same as pumpkins and squashes. Zucchinis are a type of summer squash, harvested while they are young so the skin is still tender and edible. Popular cucumber varieties include English cucumbers, which typically come wrapped in plastic at the grocery store; the stout, bumpy skinned Kirbys which are great for pickling; the even smaller Gherkins which are most commonly pickled and served on a relish tray or skewered and served in a Bloody Mary; and the Garden cucumber, the standard grocery store variety.
This type is usually coated in a layer of wax to prevent bruising and loss of moisture, so be sure to either scrub or peel before eating. Cucumber salads will include other produce such as tomatoes, peppers, avocados, and onions, and a dressing of olive oil with vinegar or lemon juice.
Who else is in this big family? Well, for one you need to look at the ends of both. Zucchini has the stem still attached, while cucumber has a barely noticeable stem.
The bumps on cucumber are also a big difference, as zucchini has no bumps but may have very fine, short hairs. Cucumbers taste fresh and watery, and their very smell can instantly trigger hunger in some people the same way freshly cut garlic does.
Zucchini is much milder in flavor, neutral actually. You may need to add a little seasoning. Cucumber has more water so it will wilt even more when cooked. Since cucumbers are related to zucchini, you may be wondering if they can get bitter too. The centers of squash leaves are concave in comparison to the edges of the leaves. Cucumber plants have small curling tendrils that grip onto a fence or trellis for climbing, reports Floridata.
Squash grows in an upright fashion that eventually leans over as it gains size and does not have tendrils to grip onto solid objects. The second set of squash leaves grow much quicker and larger than cucumber leaves in the same time. The ultimate size for zucchini is seven inches long and no more than two inches in diameter. Cucumber vs zucchini: there are a lot of differences. Whether you want to consider them fruits or vegetables, cucumbers and zucchini can be used in many yummy ways.
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