Scientists are doing extensive research in animal cloning but now many ethical issues are raised. The remarkable inefficiency of cloning poses serious threats to animal welfare. During cloning most serious ethical outcome is the pain that animal suffer during that process in addition to it cloning also effect on other population of animal.
Due to it Human beings may be also badly affected by animal cloning through compromising the safety of the livestock used in food production. Some other problem are also reported in which animal suffer from pain and that is against animal welfare like Hydroallantois, the typically fatal condition in which the pregnant animal swells with fluid to the point of looking like she is about to burst.
Every country has special department to deal with the food product produced by a biotechnology. However animal biotechnology products have to pass through safety assessments that is perform performed before public and governmental acceptance of their use for human consumption. However, the maturation of the technology and the availability of such products in combination with aging populations in the developed western world, with a strong desire to stay healthy for longer, could eventually increase acceptance.
Advancement in cloning technology promise new possibilities, but many ethical challenges have emerged with it. Decreasing the disease susceptibility of animal will benefit animal welfare and agricultural productivity so for that more research is needed for the understanding of the process involving the failures in pre- and postnatal development.
This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and build upon your work non-commercially. Withdrawal Guidlines. Publication Ethics. Withdrawal Policies Publication Ethics. Journal of. Perspective Volume 3 Issue 4. Keywords: animal, cloning, drawbacks, food safety, pregnancy.
Ethnics Cloning of animal is the key of development in field of agriculture and medical but it is acceptable only when the aims and methods are ethically justified and when it is carried out under ethical conditions.
Recent advancements in cloning by somatic cell nuclear transfer. Viable offspring derived from fetal and adult mammalian cells. Cloning and stem cells. PLoS One. Hill JR.
Abnormal in utero development of cloned animals: implications for human cloning. Aberrant epigenetic changes and gene expression in cloned cattle dying around birth. BMC Dev Biol. Nuclear transfer: Progress and quandaries. Reprod Biol Endocrinol. Errors in development of fetuses and placentas from in vitro -produced bovine embryos. Avise JC. Evolutionary perspectives on clonal reproduction in vertebrate animals.
Keefer CL. Artificial cloning of domestic animals. Improvement of porcine cloning efficiency by trichostain A through early-stage induction of embryo apoptosis.
A new study by researchers from the U. Embryos are then transferred to recipient mothers who carry the clones to birth. Cloning cattle is an agriculturally important technology and can be used to study mammalian development, but the success rate remains low, with typically fewer than 10 percent of the cloned animals surviving to birth. The majority of losses are due to embryonic death, a failure during the implantation process, or the development of a defective placenta. In a study published Dec.
Scientists may have succeeded in cloning sheep, mice, cows, pigs and goats, but Jaenisch says this new research adds to mounting evidence that cloning remains a poorly understood science and one that is not ready to be undertaken with people.
Ryuzo Yanagimachi, a professor of anatomy and reproductive biology at the University of Hawaii and co-author of the study appearing in this week's issue of Science, says "it is outrageous and irresponsible to try human cloning. The work also casts some uncertainty on the field of stem cell research for fighting disease. In this field, scientists propose using embryonic stem cells to clone adult human cells and tissue, which then can replace diseased tissue of those suffering from heart disease, multiple sclerosis, Alzheimer's and other diseases.
In a press release from Yanagimachi's office, caution is directed toward stem cell researchers, saying the study "is a warning to scientists that they must be very cautious in handling embryonic stem cells" which "may not be normal in a physiological or functional sense. But Jaenisch feels despite his team's findings that stem cells are unpredictable, therapeutic cloning remains safe.
Scientists have already had visible evidence that cloned animals are not normal. Some came to the state of 32 cells, but they showed abnormalities in the cells, wich made them unfeasible.
What has changed between and ? The failure of the SCNT for reproductive purposes in mammalians is evident, and it is globally recognized.
What are the causes of SCNT high rates of failure in non-human mammals? Even with the advances in cellular research, and the renowned successes of some SCNTs, much emphasis has been placed on the failures being caused by reprogramming errors, forgetting that the mechanical aspects of the technique are crucial because they cause injury to the two structures involved: the somatic nucleus and, mainly, the egg to which it is transferred 4.
The egg and somatic cells are structures of great complexity, and when handled with SCNT in its various steps, its structural components suffer and their functions are altered. It is not surprising that piercing the egg causes damage to their organelles, to a greater or lesser extent: cytoskeleton, mitochondria, endoplasmic reticulum, Golgi apparatus, etc.
It is very difficult, if not impossible, to accept that the manipulation of the egg and the nucleus does not cause morphological and functional disturbances within them, and that they are not linked to the malformations and diseases that occur due to SCNT.
Therefore SCNT, as invasive and plunder as it is, makes the created nuclovulo a injured cell, in which embryological development negative effects are to be expected, as it has been demonstrated with unviability, diseases and deaths.
These experiences were also made with the zebrafish. The expert cloner claims that, despite some results, the technique is not efficient and wasted a lot of genetic material, so that «it is not profitable».
Ian Wilmut to the Daily Telegraph. The damage to the egg and the somatic nucleus structures and functioning caused by SCNT are important and play a fundamental role in the failures, pathologies and loss of genetic and biological materials and animal lives. I believe that the mammalian cloning fails with such a high frequency mainly due to the damage caused by the aggressive technique in the egg and the somatic nucleus, and that the few successes take place only when this damage is not significant.